Bootstrap Workers from Leader

Boot fully provisioned Workers

Cribl Stream Workers can completely provision themselves, directly from the Leader, upon initial boot. This means that a group of any number of Workers can launch and be fully functional within the cluster, in seconds.

How Does It Work?

A Cribl Stream Leader Node provides a bootstrap API endpoint, at /init/, which returns a shell script. You can run this shell script on any supported machine (see Restrictions below), without Cribl Stream installed. This fully provisions the machine as a Worker Node.

Although you can specify the download URL when you execute the initial curl command, the Cribl Stream package is not downloaded until you generate the script via the API, and then execute it.

For additional information on using environment variables to set the hostname, see Setting the Hostname.


All Worker Nodes’ hosts must enable ongoing outbound communication to the Leader’s port 4200, to enable the Leader to manage the Workers. While the bootstrap script runs, firewalls on each Worker’s host must also allow outbound communication on the following ports:

  • Port 443 to
  • Port 443 to a Cribl.Cloud Leader.
  • Port 9000 to an on-premises Leader.

If any of this traffic must go through a proxy, see System Proxy Configuration for configuration details. To anticipate and resolve edge cases not mentioned here, see Restrictions below.

Troubleshooting Root Access or SSL Errors

The script will install Cribl Stream into /opt/cribl, and will make system-level changes. For systems like Ubuntu, which don’t allow direct root access, you’ll need to use the sudo prefix when executing the script.

The script will create a user named cribl to install, own, and run Cribl Stream/Edge.

If you encounter errors of this form:
ssl certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain
…add the -k flag to disable certificate validation.

UI Access

Cribl Stream admins can use the UI to concatenate and copy/paste the bootstrap script, automating several steps below. You can use an adjacent option to grab a script that updates a Worker’s Group assignment.

To use these options, you must have the admin Role on a distributed deployment’s Leader Node, with an Enterprise license. You must also create the Worker Groups before using the following instructions to add or reassign Workers to them.

Add New Worker

  1. From Cribl Stream’s top nav, select Manage > Groups.

  2. Click the link in your desired Group’s Workers column.

  3. On the resulting Workers tab, click Add/Update Worker Node at the upper right.

  4. Select Linux > Add from the menu, as shown in the composite screenshot below.

  5. In the resulting Add Linux Worker modal, the Install package location defaults to Cribl CDN. If desired, change this to Download URL. (For details about this option, see Adding Download URL.)

  6. As needed, correct the target Group, as well as the Leader hostname/IP (URI).

  7. Copy the resulting script to your clipboard.

  8. Click Done to close the modal.

  9. Paste the script onto your Worker Node’s command line and execute it, to add the Worker.

    • As needed (see the note above), prepend sudo to the generated Script field’s contents, and/or append the -k flag.
Add/Bootstrap Worker UI option (composite)
Add/Bootstrap Worker UI option (composite)

Update Existing Worker

You can also auto-generate a script that will update an existing Worker’s Group assignment, and/or assign the Worker to a different Leader:

  1. From Cribl Stream’s top nav, select Manage > Groups.

  2. Click the link in your desired Group’s Workers column.

  3. From the Add/Update Worker Node menu, select Linux > Update.

  4. In the resulting Update Configuration on Linux Workers modal, select the new target Group for this Worker.

  5. As needed, correct or change the Leader hostname/IP and/or Leader port number.

  6. The Script type drop-down defaults to the Environment variable option for generating the script’s command. If you’re not relying on environment variables, change this to CLI.

  7. Copy the resulting script to your clipboard.

  8. Click Done to close the modal.

  9. Paste the script onto your Worker Node’s command line and execute it, to update the Worker’s assignment.

    • As needed (see the note above), prepend sudo to the generated Script field’s contents, and/or append the -k flag.
Update Worker UI option (composite)
Update Worker UI option (composite)

API Spec

Request Format

GET http://<leader hostname or IP>:9000/init/

Query Strings

tokenoptionalLeader Node’s shared secret (authToken). By default, this is set to a random string. You can find this secret in the Leader Node’s Distributed Settings section.
Before v4.5.0, the default token was criblmaster. This token is still in use in instances upgraded from an earlier version.
groupoptionalName of the cluster’s Worker Group. If not specified, falls back to default.
download_urloptionalProvide the complete URL to a Cribl Stream installation binary. This is especially useful if the Worker Nodes don’t have access to the Internet to download from
tagoptionalWhen used in conjunction with Mapping Rules, enables you to specify the Worker Group you want the bootstrapped Worker to join. Multiple tags should be in the form &tag=tag1&tag=tag2.

Example HTTP Request

GET http://<leader hostname or IP>:9000/init/

As of version 3.0, Cribl Stream’s former “master” application components are renamed “leader.” While some legacy terminology remains within CLI commands/​options, configuration keys/values, and environment variables, this document will reflect that.

Example Response



CRIBL_AUTH_TOKEN="<Auth token string>"
CRIBL_GROUP="<Default group preference>"
CRIBL_MASTER_PORT="<Master heartbeat port>"
CRIBL_DOWNLOAD_URL="<download url>"


# Set defaults
checkrun() { $1 --help >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; }
faildep() { [ $? -eq 127 ] && echo "$1 not found" && exit 1; }
[ -z "${CRIBL_MASTER_HOST}" ] && echo "CRIBL_MASTER_HOST not set" && exit 1
if [ -z "${CRIBL_DOWNLOAD_URL}" ]; then
    CRIBL_DOWNLOAD_URL="$(echo ${CRIBL_VERSION} | cut -d '-' -f 1)/${FILE}"

echo "Checking dependencies"
checkrun curl && faildep curl
checkrun adduser && faildep adduser
checkrun usermod && faildep usermod
checkrun systemctl && [ $? -eq 127 ] && BOOTSTART=0
checkrun update-rc.d && [ $? -eq 127 ] && BOOTSTART=0

echo "Checking OS version"
lsb_release -d 2>/dev/null | grep -i ubuntu && [ $? -eq  0 ] && UBUNTU=1
cat /etc/system-release 2>/dev/null | grep -i amazon && [ $? -eq 0 ] && AMAZON=1

echo "Creating cribl user"
if [ $UBUNTU -eq 1 ]; then
    adduser cribl --home /home/cribl --gecos "Cribl Stream User" --disabled-password
if  [ $CENTOS -eq 1 ] || [ $AMAZON -eq 1 ]; then
    adduser cribl -d /home/cribl -c "Cribl Stream User" -m
    usermod -aG wheel cribl

echo "Installing Cribl Stream"
curl -Lso ./cribl.tar.gz "${CRIBL_DOWNLOAD_URL}"
tar xzf ./cribl.tar.gz -C ${CRIBL_INSTALL_DIR} --strip-components=1
rm -f ./cribl.tar.gz
chown -R cribl:cribl ${CRIBL_INSTALL_DIR}

if [ $BOOTSTART -eq 1 ]; then
    echo "Setting Cribl Stream to start on boot"
    ${CRIBL_INSTALL_DIR}/bin/cribl boot-start enable -u cribl

mkdir -p ${CRIBL_INSTALL_DIR}/local/_system
cat <<-EOF > ${CRIBL_INSTALL_DIR}/local/_system/instance.yml
  mode: worker
    host: ${CRIBL_MASTER_HOST}
    port: ${CRIBL_MASTER_PORT}
    authToken: ${CRIBL_AUTH_TOKEN}
      disabled: true
  group: ${CRIBL_GROUP}

chown -R cribl:cribl ${CRIBL_INSTALL_DIR}
if [ $BOOTSTART -eq 1 ]; then
  service cribl start
  ${CRIBL_INSTALL_DIR}/bin/cribl start

curl Option

An easy way of wrapping HTTP methods is to use the curl command. Here is an example, which uses a GET operation by default, with the same URL used in the above HTTP example:

curl http://<leader hostname or IP>:9000/init/

Check Requirements above to avoid/resolve port or ownership issues.

Chaining Script Execution

The GET and curl procedures above will only output the contents of the script that needs executing – the script will still need to be manually executed.

However, you can automate that part, too, using a command like the one shown below. This passes the script’s contents to the bash shell to immediately execute.

curl http://<leader hostname or IP>:9000/init/ | bash -

As noted above, on Ubuntu and similar systems, you might need to insert sudo before the bash. If you don’t have a bash shell available, you can pipe the command to | sh - instead.

Adding Download URL

By default, the script gets configured to download the Cribl Stream package from the public Cribl repository. If you want to specify a different download location in the script, you’ll use the download_url parameter.

To successfully execute the curl command while also specifying the download URL, you must enclose the URL in double quotes. The reason for this is that the & character that joins multiple HTTP parameters is interpreted by the shell as the operator to run commands in the background. Double-quoting the URL, as shown in this example, prevents this.

curl "http://<leader hostname or IP>:9000/init/<your_internal_webserver>/cribl-2.2.0-4589617e-linux-x64.tgz" | sh -

curl Offline Option

To bootstrap Workers in an internet-disconnected (e.g., airgapped) environment, you can separate downloading the installation package from Cribl’s repository versus running the curl command. Here’s an example:

  1. Download the installation package from Cribl’s download page.

  2. Rename the resulting file from cribl-x.x.x-xxxxxxxx-linux-x64.tgz to cribl.tar.gz.

  3. Bootstrap the Worker from the file’s current directory, by running a command of this form:

curl "https://<mycriblleader.mydomain.ext>:9000/init/" | bash -

Tagging to Assign Workers to Worker Groups

Cribl Stream uses Mapping Rulesets to map Workers to Worker Groups. When you create a Worker from a bootstrap script, you can take advantage of Mapping Rulesets to specify which Worker Group you want the newly-created Worker to join. This is done by adding tags to the download URL, in the form &tag=tag1&tag=tag2.

Basic Example

Suppose you have a Worker Group, Group420, that you want bootstrapped Workers to join.

In the active Mapping Ruleset for Group420, create a new rule that maps any Worker with the tag awseast1 to the Group420 Worker Group. You can do this with a filter:


Then, in the bootstrap script, add a download URL with a tag that matches the filter you just created. For example:

curl "http://<logstream_leader>:9000/init/<token>" | bash - 

When you use the script to bootstrap a new Worker, the Worker will be assigned to Group420.

Advanced Example

Suppose you have four Worker Groups distributed between two regions and two platforms:

Region 1Group01Group02
Region 2Group03Group04

Using two tags (one for region and one for platform) you can represent all four possible combinations, and thus all four Worker Groups:

  • tag=aws&tag=region1 maps to Group01.
  • tag=azure&tag=region1 maps to Group02.
  • tag=aws&tag=region2 maps to Group03.
  • tag=azure&tag=region2 maps to Group04.

For each Worker Group, you’ll create a Mapping Rule with a filter for the appropriate tag combination to match. For example, this filter would match Group04:

cribl.tags.includes('azure') && cribl.tags.includes('region2')

Then you can use the tag combination in the download URL of a bootstrap script. For example, the tags in this download URL map to Group04:


Any Worker created by the script with the above download URL will be assigned to Group04.

Status Codes

Status CodeReason
200 – OKAll is well. You should have received the script as a response.
403 – ForbiddenEither the node is not configured as a Leader, or the token provided is invalid.


Keep the following in mind when using bootstrap scripts:

  • Each Worker must normally have access to the internet in order to download the Cribl Stream installation binary from Where this isn’t feasible, you can use the download_url switch to point to a binary in a restricted location.
  • TLS is not enabled by default. If enabled and configured, access to this feature will be over https instead of http.
  • Red Hat, Ubuntu, CentOS, and Amazon Linux are the only supported Worker platforms.

User Data

For public-cloud customers, an easy way to use bootstrap scripts is in an instance’s user data. First, be sure to set the Leader Node to mode = 'leader'. Then use the following script (changing the command as needed. based on the information above). Upon launch, the Worker Node will reach out to the Leader, download the script, download the Cribl Stream package from the specified location, and then install and configure Cribl Stream:

curl http://<leader-node-ip/host-address>:9000/init/<auth-token> | sh -