
Data matched by a given Route is delivered to a Pipeline. Pipelines are the heart of Cribl Stream processing. Each Pipeline is a list of Functions that work on the data.

As with Routes, the order in which the Functions are listed matters. A Pipeline’s Functions are evaluated in order, top‑>down.

Accessing Pipelines

Select Processing > Pipelines from Cribl Stream’s global top nav (single-instance deployments) or from a Worker Group’s/Fleet’s top nav (distributed deployments). Next, click any displayed Pipeline to see or reconfigure its contained Functions.

After you’ve clicked into a Pipeline, the right Preview pane adds a Pipeline Status tab, which you can click to see the Pipeline’s events throughput.

Adding Pipelines

To create a new Pipeline, or to import an existing Pipeline to a different Cribl Stream instance, click Add Pipeline at the upper right. The resulting menu offers three options:

  • Create Pipeline: Configure a new Pipeline from scratch, by adding Functions in Cribl Stream’s graphical UI.
  • Import from File: Import an existing Pipeline from a .json file on your local filesystem.
  • Import from URL: Import an existing Pipeline from .json file at a remote URL. (This must be a public URL ending in .json – the import option doesn’t pass credentials to private URLs – and the target file must be formatted as a valid Pipeline configuration.)
Creating or importing a Pipeline
Creating or importing a Pipeline

To export a Pipeline, see Advanced Mode (JSON Editor).

To import or export a Pipeline along with broader infrastructure (like Knowledge Objects and/or sample data files), see Packs.

How Do Pipelines Work

Events are always delivered to the beginning of a Pipeline via a Route. The data in the Stats column shown below are for the last 15 minutes.

Pipelines and Route inputs
Pipelines and Route inputs

You can press the ] (right-bracket) shortcut key to toggle between the Preview pane and an expanded Pipelines display. (This shortcut works when no field has focus.)

In the condensed Pipelines display above, you can also hover over any Pipeline’s Functions column to see a vertical preview of the stack of Functions contained in the Pipeline:

Preview on hovering over the top Pipeline (highlighted in gray)
Preview on hovering over the top Pipeline (highlighted in gray)

Within the Pipeline, events are processed by each Function, in order. A Pipeline will always move events in the direction that points outside of the system. This is on purpose, to keep the design simple and avoid potential loops.

Pipeline Functions
Pipeline Functions

Use the Attach to Route link at upper left to associate a new Pipeline with a Route.

You can streamline a complex Pipeline’s display by organizing related Functions into Function groups.

Pipeline Settings

Click the gear button at the top right to open the Pipeline’s Settings. Here, you can:

  • Use the Async function timeout (ms) to set the maximum amount of processing time, in milliseconds, that a Function is allowed to take before it is terminated. This prevents a Function from causing undesirable delays in your Pipeline (for example, a Lookup Function taking too long to process a large lookup file).

  • Use the Tags field to attach arbitrary labels to the Pipeline. Once attached, you can use these tags to filter/search and group Pipelines.

Pipeline Settings
Pipeline Settings

The Final Toggle

The Final toggle in Function settings controls what happens to the results of a Function.

When Final is toggled to No (default), events will be processed by this Function, and then passed on to the next Function below.

When Final is toggled to Yes, the Function “consumes” the results, meaning they will not pass down to any other Function below.

A flag in Pipeline view indicates that a Function is Final.

Functions in a Pipeline, some of them have Final flags.
The Eval and first Drop Functions bearing the Final flag

Advanced Mode (JSON Editor)

Once you’ve clicked the gear button to enter Pipeline Settings, you can click Manage as JSON at the upper right to edit the Pipeline’s definition in a JSON text editor. In this mode’s editor, you can directly edit multiple values. You can also use the Import and Export buttons here to copy and modify existing Pipeline configurations, as .json files.

Advanced Pipeline Editing
Advanced Pipeline Editing

Click Edit in GUI at upper right to return to the graphical Pipeline Settings page; then click Back to <pipeline-name> to restore the graphical Pipeline editor.

Pipeline Actions

Click a Pipeline’s Actions () menu to display options for copying or deleting the Pipeline.

Copying a Pipeline displays a confirmation message and the (highlighted) Paste button shown below.

Paste button for copied Pipeline
Paste button for copied Pipeline

Pasting prompts you to confirm, or change, a modified name for the new Pipeline. The result will be an exact duplicate of the original Pipeline in all but name.

Chaining Pipelines

You can use the Chain Function to send the output of a Pipeline to another Pipeline or Pack. There are scope restrictions within Packs, and general guardrails against circular references.

Types of Pipelines

You can apply various Pipeline types at different stages of data flow. All Pipelines have the same basic internal structure (a series of Functions) – the types below differ only in their position in the system.

Pre-processing, processing, and post-processing Pipelines
Pre-processing, processing, and post-processing Pipelines

Pre-Processing Pipelines

These are Pipelines that are attached to a Source to condition (normalize) the events before they’re delivered to a processing Pipeline. They’re optional.

Typical use cases are event formatting, or applying Functions to all events of an input. (E.g., to extract a message field before pushing events to various processing Pipelines.)

You configure these Pipelines just like any other Pipeline, by selecting Pipelines from the top menu. You then attach your configured Pipeline to individual Sources, using the Source’s Pre‑Processing > Pipeline drop-down.

Fields extracted using pre-processing Pipelines are made available to Routes.

Processing Pipelines

These are “normal” event processing Pipelines, attached directly to Routes.

Post-Processing Pipelines

These Pipelines are attached to a Destination to normalize the events before they’re sent out. A post-processing Pipeline’s Functions apply to all events exiting to the attached Destination.

Typical use cases are applying Functions that transform or shape events per receiver requirements. (E.g., to ensure that a _time field exists for all events bound to a Splunk receiver.)

You configure these Pipelines as normal, by selecting Pipelines from the top menu. You then attach your configured Pipeline to individual Destinations, using the Destination’s Post‑Processing > Pipeline drop-down.

You can also use a Destination’s Post‑Processing options to add System Fields like cribl_input, identifying the Cribl Stream Source that processed the events.

Best Practices for Pipelines

Functions in a Pipeline are equipped with their own filters. Even though filters are not required, we recommend using them as often as possible.

As with Routes, the general goal is to minimize extra work that a Function will do. The fewer events a Function has to operate on, the better the overall performance.

For example, if a Pipeline has two Functions, f1 and f2, and if f1 operates on source 'foo' and f2 operates on source 'bar', it might make sense to apply source=='foo' versus source=='bar' filters on these two Functions, respectively.