
The Aggregations Function performs aggregate statistics on event data.

Each Worker Process executes this Function independently on its share of events. For details, see Functions and Shared-Nothing Architecture.


Filter: Filter expression (JS) that selects data to feed through the Function. Defaults to true, meaning it evaluates all events.

Description: Simple description about this Function. Defaults to empty.

Final: If toggled to Yes, stops feeding data to the downstream Functions. Defaults to No.

Time window: The time span of the tumbling window for aggregating events. Must be a valid time string (e.g., 10s). Must match pattern \d+[sm]$.

Aggregates: Aggregation function(s) to perform on events. E.g., sum(bytes).where(action=='REJECT').as(TotalBytes). Expression format: aggFunction(<FieldExpression>).where(<FilterExpression>)​.as(<outputField>). See more examples below.

When used without as(), the aggregate’s output will be placed in a field labeled <fieldName>_<aggFunction>. If there are conflicts, the last aggregate wins. For example, given two aggregates – sum(bytes).where(action=='REJECT') and sum(bytes) – the latter one (bytes_sum) is the winner.

Group by Fields: Fields to group aggregates by. Supports wildcard expressions.

Evaluate fields: Set of key-value pairs to evaluate and add/set. Fields are added in the context of an aggregated event, before they’re sent out. Does not apply to passthrough events.

Time Window Settings

Cumulative aggregations: If enabled, aggregations will be retained for cumulative aggregations when flushing out an aggregation table event. When set to No (the default), aggregations will be reset to 0 on flush.

Lag tolerance: The lag tolerance represents the tumbling window tolerance to late events. Must be a valid time string (e.g., 10s). Must match pattern \d+[sm]$.

Idle bucket time limit: The amount of time to wait before flushing a bucket that has not received events. Must be a valid time string (e.g., 10s). Must match pattern \d+[sm]$.

Output Settings

Passthrough mode: Determines whether to pass through the original events along with the aggregation events. Defaults to No.

Metrics mode: Determines whether to output aggregates as metrics. Defaults to No, causing aggregates to be output as events.

Sufficient stats mode: Determines whether to output only statistics sufficient for the supplied aggregations. Defaults to No, meaning output richer statistics.

Output prefix: A prefix that is prepended to all of the fields output by this Aggregations Function.

Advanced Settings

Aggregation event limit: The maximum number of events to include in any given aggregation event. Defaults to unlimited. Must be at least 1.

Aggregation memory limit: The memory usage limit to impose upon aggregations. Defaults to unlimited (i.e., the amount of memory available in the system). Accepts numerals with multiple-byte units, like KB, MB, GB, etc. (such: as 4GB.)

Flush on stream close: If set to Yes (the default), aggregations will flush when an input stream is closed. If set to No, the Time Window Settings will control flush behavior; this can be preferable in cases like the following:

  • Your input data consists of many small files.
  • You are sending data to Prometheus. Enabling Flush on stream close can send Prometheus multiple aggregations from the same Worker Process for the same time period. Prometheus cannot tell the multiple aggregations apart, and will ingest only the first one.

Aggregation Functions

  • avg(expr:FieldExpression): Returns the average expr values.

  • count(expr:FieldExpression): If expr is omitted, returns the number of events received over the time window. If expr is given, returns the number of events seen where expr evaluates to a value other than null or undefined. For example, with these three events in the same time window:

    • { _time: 20, _val: 5 }
    • { _time: 22 }
    • { _time: 24, _val: null }

    count() would return 3, while count(_val) would return 1.

  • dc(expr: FieldExpression, errorRate: number = 0.01): Returns the estimated number of distinct values of expr, within a relative error rate. Lower error rates increase the accuracy of the result, at the cost of using more memory. For example, with these three events in the same time window:

    • { _time: 20, _name: 'Alice' }
    • { _time: 22, _name: 'Bob' }
    • { _time: 24, _name: 'Alice' }

    dc(_name) would return 2.

  • distinct_count(expr: FieldExpression, errorRate: number = 0.01): Identical to dc(expr).

  • earliest(expr:FieldExpression): Returns the earliest (based on _time) observed expr value.

  • first(expr:FieldExpression): Returns the first observed expr value.

  • histogram(expr:FieldExpression, buckets: number[]). Returns the average of the values of expr and generates a field with the same name as the aggregated output field, suffixed with _data.

    • buckets must contain at least one numeric value.

    The _data field in the output contains three pieces of information:

    • _sum – the sum of all values of expr.

    • _count – the number of events seen where expr evaluates to a value other than null or undefined.

    • _buckets – an object whose keys are the buckets defined in the function, and whose values are the number of values that fall in that histogram bucket. In addition to the buckets defined by the user, the object will include a bucket labeled Infinity, into which all values will be placed. A value of x falls into a histogram bucket if it is less than or equal to the value of the bucket. A value of 45 would fall into a bucket with value 50, but not one with value 40. Counts are cumulative; all values counted in a bucket will also be counted in every bucket larger than it. For example, with these three events in the same time window:

      • { _time: 20, age: 20 }
      • { _time: 22, age: 25 }
      • { _time: 24, age: 30 }

      histogram(age, [10, 25, 40]) would result in the following on the output event:

        age_histogram: 25
        age_histogram_data: {
          _count: 3,
          _sum: 75
          _buckets: {
            10: 0,
            25: 2,
            40: 3,
            Infinity: 3
  • last(expr:FieldExpression): Returns the last observed expr value.

  • latest(expr:FieldExpression): Returns the latest (based on _time) observed expr value.

  • list(expr:FieldExpression[, max:number, excludeNulls: boolean = true]): Returns a list of the observed values of expr.

    • Optional max parameter limits the number of values returned. If omitted, the default is 100. If set to 0, will return all values.
    • Optional excludeNulls boolean excludes null and undefined values from results. If included, defaults to true.
  • max(expr:FieldExpression): Returns the maximum expr value.

  • median(expr:FieldExpression): Returns the middle value of the sorted parameter.

  • min(expr:FieldExpression): Returns the minimum expr value.

  • mode(expr: FieldExpression[, excludeNulls: boolean = true]): Returns the single most frequently encountered expr value.

    • Optional excludeNulls boolean excludes null and undefined values from results. If included, defaults to true.
  • per_second(expr:FieldExpression): Returns the rate of change of the values of expr over the aggregate time window. This is equivalent to rate(expr, '1s'). For example, with these three events in the same time window:

    • { _time: 20, _val: 5 }
    • { _time: 22, _val: 15 }
    • { _time: 24, _val: 35 }

    per_second(_val) would give back (35 - 5) / (24 - 20) = 7.5, meaning that _val increased by 7.5 every second over the time window.

  • perc(level: number, expr: FieldExpression): Returns <level> percentile value of the numeric expr values.

  • rate(expr:FieldExpression, timeString: string = '1s'): Returns the rate of change of the values of expr over the aggregate time window. Calculated as (latest value - earliest value) / (latest timestamp - earliest timestamp) * number of seconds in timeString. For example, with these three events in the same time window:

    • { _time: 20, _val: 5 }
    • { _time: 22, _val: 15 }
    • { _time: 24, _val: 35 }

    rate(_val, '2s') would give back (35 - 5) / (24 - 20) * 2 = 15, meaning that _val increased by 15 every 2 seconds over the time window.

  • stdev(expr:FieldExpression): Returns the sample standard deviation of the expr values.

  • stdevp(expr:FieldExpression): Returns the population standard deviation of the expr values.

  • sum(expr:FieldExpression): Returns the sum of the expr values.

  • summary(expr:FieldExpression)[, quantiles: number[]]): Returns the average of the expr values and generates a field with the same name as the aggregate output field, suffixed with _data.

    • Optional: quantiles values must be between 0 and 1 inclusive.

    The _data field in the output contains three pieces of information:

    • _sum – the sum of all expr values.

    • _count – the number of events seen where expr evaluates to a value other than null or undefined.

    • _quantiles – an object whose keys are the quantiles defined in the function, and whose values are the quantile value across the expr values. For example, a quantile key 0.5 and value 500 would indicate that the 50th percentile (or median) of the values seen was 500.

    • For example, with these three events in the same time window:

      • { foo: 100 }
      • { foo: 200 }
      • { foo: 300 }

      summary(foo, [0.25, 0.5, 0.75]) would result in the following on the output event:

        foo_summary: 25
        foo_summary_data: {
          _count: 3,
          _sum: 75
          _quantiles: {
            0.25: 100,
            0.5: 150,
            0.75: 225
  • sumsq(expr:FieldExpression): Returns the sum of squares of the expr values.

  • top(expr: FieldExpression, count: number[, excludeNulls: boolean = true]): Returns the most frequently encountered expr values, up to count number of results.

    • count parameter must be a positive integer.
    • Optional excludeNulls boolean excludes null and undefined values from results. If included, defaults to true.
  • values(expr:FieldExpression[, max:number, errorRate:number, excludeNulls: boolean = true]): Returns a list of distinct expr values.

    • Optional max parameter limits the number of values returned; if omitted, the default is 0, meaning return all distinct values.
    • Optional errorRate parameter controls how accurately the function counts “distinct” values. Range is 01; if omitted, the default value is 0.01. Higher values allow higher error rates (fewer unique values recognized), with the offsetting benefit of less memory usage.
    • Optional excludeNulls boolean excludes null and undefined values from results. If included, defaults to true.
  • variance(expr:FieldExpression): Returns the sample variance of the expr values.

  • variancep(expr:FieldExpression): Returns the population variance of the expr values.

Safeguarding Data

Upon shutdown, Cribl Stream will attempt to flush the buffers that hold aggregated data, to avoid data loss. If you set a Time window greater than 1 hour, Cribl recommends adjusting the Aggregation memory limit and/or Aggregation event limit to prevent the system from running out of memory.

This is especially necessary for high-cardinality data. (Both settings default to unlimited, but we recommend setting defined limits based on testing.)

How Do Time Window Settings Work?

Lag Tolerance

As events are aggregated into windows, there is a good chance that most will arrive later than their event time. For instance, given a 10s window (10:42:00 - 10:42:10), an event with timestamp 10:42:03 might come in 2 seconds later at 10:42:05.

In several cases, there will also be late, or lagging, events that will arrive after the latest time window boundary. For example, an event with timestamp 10:42:04 might arrive at 10:42:12. Lag Tolerance is the setting that governs how long to wait – after the latest window boundary – and still accept late events.

The “bucket” of events is said to be in Stage 1, where it’s still accepting new events, but it’s not yet finalized. Notice how in the third case, an event with event time 10:42:09 arrives 1 second past the window boundary at 10:42:11, but it’s still accepted because it happens before the lag time expires.

After the lag time expires, the bucket moves to Stage 2.

If the bucket is created from a historic stream, then the bucket is initiated in Stage 2. Lag time is not considered. A “historic” stream is one where the latest time of a bucket is before now(). E.g., if the window size is 10s, and now()=10:42:42, an event with event_time=10 will be placed in a Stage 2 bucket with range 10:42:10 - 10:42:20.

Idle Bucket Time Limit

While Lag Tolerance works with event time, Idle Bucket Time Limit works on arrival time (i.e., real time). It is defined as the amount of time to wait before flushing a bucket that has not received events.

After the Idle Time limit is reached, the bucket is “flushed” and sent out of the system.


Assume we’re working with VPC Flowlog events that have the following structure:

version account_id interface_id srcaddr dstaddr srcport dstport protocol packets bytes start end action log_status

For example:

2 99999XXXXX eni-02f03c2880e4aaa3 9999 63030 6 6556 262256 1554562460 1554562475 ACCEPT OK 2 496698360409 eni-08e66c4525538d10b 4373 8108 6 1 52 1554562456 1554562466 REJECT OK

Scenario A:

Every 10s, compute sum of bytes and output it in a field called TotalBytes.

Time Window: 10s Aggregations: sum(bytes).as(TotalBytes)

Scenario B:

Every 10s, compute sum of bytes, output it in a field called TotalBytes, group by srcaddr.

Time Window: 10s Aggregations: sum(bytes).as(TotalBytes) Group by Fields: srcaddr

Scenario C:

Every 10s, compute sum of bytes but only where action is REJECT, output it in a field called TotalBytes, group by srcaddr.

Time Window: 10s Aggregations: sum(bytes).where(action=='REJECT').as(TotalBytes) Group by Fields: srcaddr

Scenario D:

Every 10s, compute sum of bytes but only where action is REJECT, output it in a field called TotalBytes. Also, compute distinct count of srcaddr.

Time Window: 10s Aggregations:

For further examples, see Engineering Deep Dive: Streaming Aggregations Part 2 – Memory Optimization.