
User authentication in Cribl Stream

Cribl Stream supports local, Splunk, LDAP, SSO/OpenID Connect, and SSO/SAML authentication methods, depending on license type.

Local Authentication

To set up local authentication, navigate to Settings > [Global Settings >] Access Management > Authentication and select Local.

You can then manage users through the Settings > [Global Settings >] Access Management > Local Users UI. All changes made to users are persisted in a file located at $CRIBL_HOME/local/cribl/auth/users.json.

For Windows Edge Nodes, the changes are persisted in a file located at C:\ProgramData\Cribl\local\cribl\auth\users.json.

This is the line format, and note that both usernames and passwords are case-sensitive:

{"username":"user","first":"Goat","last":"McGoat","disabled":"false", "passwd":"Yrt0MOD1w8OzyMYB8WMcEleOtYESMwZw2qIZyTvueOE"}

The file is monitored for modifications every 60s, and will be reloaded if changes are detected.

Adding users through direct modification of the file is also supported, but not recommended.

If you edit users.json, maintain each JSON element as a single line. Otherwise, the file will not reload properly.

Manual Password Replacement

Manual Password Replacement is for on-prem deployments only. For Cribl Stream in Cribl.Cloud, Cribl recommends setting up Fallback Access; if you do need to reset your password, you must contact Cribl.

To manually add, change, or restore a password, replace the affected user’s passwd key-value pair with a password key, in this format: "password":"<newPlaintext>". Cribl Stream will hash all plaintext password(s), identified by the password key, during the next file reload, and will rename the plaintext password key.

Starting with the same users.json line above:

{"username":"user","first":"Goat","last":"McGoat","disabled":"false", "passwd":"Yrt0MOD1w8OzyMYB8WMcEleOtYESMwZw2qIZyTvueOE"}

…you’d modify the final key-value pair to something like:

{"username":"user","first":"Goat","last":"McGoat","disabled":"false", "password":"V3ry53CuR&pW9"}

Within at most one minute after you save the file, Cribl Stream will rename the password key back to passwd, and will hash its value, re-creating something resembling the original example.

Set Worker/Edge Node Passwords

In a distributed deployment (Edge, Stream), once a Worker/Edge Node has been set to point to the Leader Node, Cribl Stream will set each Worker/Edge Node’s admin password with a randomized password that is different from the admin user’s password on the Leader Node. This is by design, as a security precaution. But it might lead to situations where administrators cannot log into a Worker/Edge Node directly, and must rely on accessing them via the Leader.

To explicitly apply a known/new password to your Worker Node, you set and push a new password to the Worker Group. Here’s how, in the Leader Node’s UI:

  1. From the top nav, select Manage.
  2. Select the desired Worker Group.
  3. From the Worker Group’s submenu, select Group Settings.
  4. Select Local Users, then expand the desired user.
  5. Update the Password and Confirm Password fields and select Save.

Every 10 seconds, the Worker/Edge Node will request an update of configuration from the Leader, and any new password settings will be included.

On Cribl.Cloud, Group Settings for hybrid Workers include the above Local Users options, but Groups for Cribl-managed Workers do not. For alternatives, see the Cribl.Cloud Launch Guide and Cribl.Cloud SSO Setup docs.

Authentication Controls

You can customize authentication behavior at Settings > [Global Settings >] General Settings > API Server Settings > Advanced. The options here include:

  • Logout on Roles change: If role-based access control is enabled, determines whether users are automatically logged out of Cribl Stream when their assigned Roles change. Defaults to Yes.

  • Auth-token TTL: Sets authentication tokens’ valid lifetime, in seconds. Defaults to 3600 (60 minutes = 1 hour); must be at least 1 sec.

  • Session idle time limit: Sets how long (in seconds) Cribl Stream will observe no user interaction before invalidating user’s session tokens. Defaults to 3600 (60 minutes = 1 hour); must be at least 60 sec.

  • Login rate limit: Sets the number of login attempts allowed over a (selectable) unit of time. Defaults to 2/second.

  • HTTP header: Enables you to specify one or more custom HTTP headers to be sent with every response.

Token Renewal and Session Timeout

Here is how Cribl Stream sets tokens’ valid lifetime by applying the Auth-token TTL field’s value:

  • When a user logs in, Cribl Stream returns a token whose expiration time is set to {login time + Auth‑token TTL value}.

  • If the user is idle (no UI activity) for the configured token lifetime, they are logged out.

  • As long as the user is interacting with Cribl Stream’s UI in their browser, Cribl Stream continually renews the token, resetting the idle-session time limit back by the Auth‑token TTL value.

The cribl.secret File

When Cribl Stream first starts, it creates a $CRIBL_HOME/local/cribl/auth/cribl.secret file. This file contains a key that is used to generate auth tokens for users, encrypt their passwords, and encrypt encryption keys.

Default local credentials are: admin/admin

Back up and secure access to this file by applying strict permissions – e.g., 600.

External Authentication

While configuring any external auth method, make sure you don’t get locked out of Cribl Stream! Enable the Fallback on fatal error or Allow local auth toggle until you’re certain that external auth is working as intended. If you do get locked out, refer back to Manual Password Replacement for the remedy.

All external auth methods require either an Enterprise or a Standard license. They’re not supported with a Free license.

Cribl Stream Roles and role mapping are supported only with an Enterprise license. With a Standard license, all your external users will be imported to Cribl Stream in the admin Role.

This topic covers the following external authentication providers:

Authentication for Single Sign-On

Each authentication method that Cribl Stream supports for on-prem SSO has its own separate topic:

For deployments in Cribl.Cloud, see Cribl.Cloud SSO Setup.

Splunk Authentication

Splunk authentication is very helpful when deploying Cribl Stream in the same environment as Splunk. This option requires the user to have Splunk admin role permissions. To set up Splunk authentication:

Navigate to Settings > [Global Settings >] Access Management > Authentication > Type and select Splunk. This exposes the following controls.

  • Host: Splunk hostname (typically a search head).

  • Port: Splunk management port (defaults to 8089).

  • SSL: Whether SSL is enabled on Splunk instance that provides authentication. Defaults to Yes.

  • Fallback on fatal error: Attempt local authentication if Splunk authentication is unsuccessful. Defaults to No. If toggled to Yes, Cribl Stream will attempt local auth only after a failed Splunk auth. Selecting Yes also exposes this additional option:

    • Fallback on bad login: Attempt local authentication if the supplied user/password fails to log in on Splunk. This similarly defaults to No.

The Splunk search head does not need to be locally installed on the Cribl Stream instance.

For distributed deployments with an Enterprise License, the next (and final) step is to configure Role Mapping settings.

LDAP Authentication

You can set up LDAP authentication as follows:

Navigate to Settings > [Global Settings >] Access Management > Authentication > Type, and select LDAP. This exposes the following controls.

  • Secure: Enable to use a secure LDAP connections (ldaps://). Disable for an insecure (ldap://) connection.

  • LDAP servers: List of LDAP servers. Each entry should contain host:port (e.g., localhost:389).

  • Bind DN: Distinguished Name of entity to authenticate with LDAP server. E.g., 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org'.

  • Password: Distinguished Name password used to authenticate with LDAP server.

  • User search base: Starting point to search LDAP for users, e.g., 'dc=example,dc=org'.

  • Username field: LDAP user search field, e.g., cn or (cn (or uid). For Microsoft Active Directory, use sAMAccountName here.

  • User search filter: LDAP search filter to apply when authenticating users. Optional, but recommended: If empty, all users in your domain will be able to log in with the default Cribl Role. This example would enable only users in the StreamAdmins group to log in – they would then be mapped to any Roles specified in Role Mapping Settings:
    This simpler filter example would enable anyone in a group called ‟admin,” who does not have a department attribute that starts with “123,” to log in:

  • Group search base,
    Group member field,
    Group membership attribute,
    Group search filter,
    Group name field: These settings are used only for LDAP authentication with role-based access control. See Role‑Based LDAP Authentication, below.

  • Connection timeout (ms): Defaults to 5000.

  • Reject unauthorized: Valid for secure LDAP connections. Set to Yes to reject unauthorized server certificates.

  • Fallback on fatal error: Attempt local authentication if LDAP authentication is down or misconfigured. Defaults to No. If toggled to Yes, local auth will be attempted only after a failed LDAP auth. Selecting Yes also exposes this additional option:

    • Fallback on bad login: Attempt local authentication if the supplied user/password fails to log in on the LDAP provider. Defaults to No.

For distributed deployments with an Enterprise License, the next (and final) step is to configure Role Mapping settings.

Role-Based LDAP Authentication

When configuring LDAP authentication with role‑based access control (RBAC), you must use the following settings to import user groups. (The UI does not enforce filling these fields. When using LDAP without roles, ignore them.)

  • Group search base: Starting point to search LDAP for groups, e.g., dc=example,dc=org.

  • Group member field: LDAP group search field, e.g., member.

  • Group membership attribute: Attribute name of LDAP user object. Determines group member attribute’s value, which defines group’s allowed users. This field accepts dn, cn, uid, or uidNumber. If none of these are specified, falls back to dn.

  • Group search filter: LDAP search filter to apply when retrieving groups for authorization and mapping to Roles., e.g., (&(cn=cribl*)(objectclass=group)).

  • Group name field: Attribute used in objects’ DNs that represents the group name, e.g., cn. Cribl Stream does not directly read this attribute from group objects; rather, it must be present in your groups’ DN values. Match the attribute name’s original case (upper, lower, or mixed) when you specify it in this field. In particular, Microsoft Active Directory requires all-uppercase group names (e.g., CN).

For distributed deployments with an Enterprise License, the next (and final) step is to configure Role Mapping settings.

Role Mapping Settings

This section is displayed only on distributed deployments (Edge, Stream) with an Enterprise License. For details on mapping your external identity provider’s configured groups to corresponding Cribl Stream user access Roles, see External Groups and Roles. The controls here are:

  • Default Role: Default Cribl Stream Role to assign to all groups not explicitly mapped to a Role.

  • Mapping: On each mapping row, enter an external group name (case-sensitive) on the left, and select the corresponding Cribl Stream Role in the right drop-down list. Click Add Mapping to add more rows.