Google Cloud Storage

Google Cloud Storage is a non-streaming Destination type.

Type: Non-Streaming | TLS Support: Yes | PQ Support: No

Configuring Cloud Storage Permissions

For Cribl Stream to send data to Google Cloud Storage buckets, ideally set the following access permissions on the Cloud Storage side:

  • Fine-grained access control must be enabled on the buckets.
  • The Google service account or user should have the Storage Admin or Owner role.

For narrower access than the above roles, the Google account should have the following access to buckets:

  • roles/storage.objectCreator role.
  • roles/storage.objectViewer role.
  • If the Verify if bucket exists advanced option is enabled, one bucket-level storage.buckets.list permission.

For details, see the Cloud Storage Overview of Access Control and Understanding Roles documentation.

Configuring Cribl Stream to Output to Cloud Storage Destinations

From the top nav, click Manage, then select a Worker Group to configure. Next, you have two options:

To configure via the graphical QuickConnect UI, click Routing > QuickConnect (Stream) or Collect (Edge). Next, click Add Destination at right. From the resulting drawer’s tiles or the Destinations left nav, select Google Cloud > Storage. Next, click either Add Destination or (if displayed) Select Existing. The resulting drawer will provide the options below.

Or, to configure via the Routing UI, click Data > Destinations (Stream) or More > Destinations (Edge). From the resulting page’s tiles, select Google Cloud > Storage. Next, click Add Destination to open a New Destination modal that provides the options below.

General Settings

Output ID: Enter a unique name to identify this Cloud Storage definition.

Bucket name: Name of the destination bucket. This value can be a constant, or a JavaScript expression that can be evaluated only at init time. E.g., referencing a Global Variable: myBucket-${C.vars.myVar}.

Region: Region where the bucket is located.

Staging location: Filesystem location in which to locally buffer files before compressing and moving to final destination. Cribl recommends that this location be stable and high-performance.

The Staging location field is not displayed or available on Cribl.Cloud-managed Worker Nodes.

Key prefix: Root directory to prepend to path before uploading. Enter a constant, or a JS expression enclosed in single quotes, double quotes, or backticks.

Data format: The output data format defaults to JSON. Raw and Parquet are also available. Selecting Parquet (supported only on Linux, not Windows) exposes a Parquet Settings left tab, where you must configure certain options in order to export data in Parquet format.

Optional Settings

Partitioning expression: JavaScript expression that defines how files are partitioned and organized. Default is date-based. If blank, Cribl Stream will fall back to the event’s __partition field value (if present); or otherwise to the root directory of the Output Location and Staging Location.

Compress: Data compression format used before moving to final destination. Defaults to gzip (recommended). This setting is not available when Data format is set to Parquet.

File name prefix expression: The output filename prefix. Must be a JavaScript expression (which can evaluate to a constant), enclosed in quotes or backticks. Defaults to CriblOut.

File name suffix expression: The output filename suffix. Must be a JavaScript expression (which can evaluate to a constant), enclosed in quotes or backticks. Defaults to `.${C.env["CRIBL_WORKER_ID"]}.${__format}${__compression === "gzip" ? ".gz" : ""}`, where __format can be json or raw, and __compression can be none or gzip.

To prevent files from being overwritten, Cribl appends a random sequence of 6 characters to the end of their names. File name prefix and suffix expressions do not bypass this behavior.

For example, if you set the File name prefix expression to CriblExec and set the File name suffix expression to .csv, the file name might display as CriblExec-adPRWM.csv with adPRWM appended.

Backpressure behavior: Select whether to block or drop events when all receivers are exerting backpressure. (Causes might include an accumulation of too many files needing to be closed.) Defaults to Block.

Tags: Optionally, add tags that you can use to filter and group Destinations in Cribl Stream’s Manage Destinations page. These tags aren’t added to processed events. Use a tab or hard return between (arbitrary) tag names.


Use the Authentication method drop-down to select one of these options:

  • Auto: This option authenticates with the attached Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Service Account, relying on GCP IAM roles to access the appropriate GCP resources. This option is available only when Cribl Stream is on-prem, and the Worker Nodes are running in Google Compute Engine VMs on GCP.
  • Manual: With this default option, authentication is via HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code). To create a key and secret, see Google Cloud’s Managing HMAC Keys for Service Accounts documentation. This option exposes these two fields:
    • Access key: Enter the HMAC access key.
    • Secret key: Enter the HMAC secret.

The values for Access key and Secret key can be a constant, or a JavaScript expression (such as ${C.env.MY_VAR}) enclosed in quotes or backticks, which allows configuration with environment variables.

  • Secret: This option exposes a Secret key pair drop-down, in which you can select a stored secret that references the secret key pair described above. A Create link is available to store a new, reusable secret.

Processing Settings


Pipeline: Pipeline to process data before sending the data out using this output.

System fields: A list of fields to automatically add to events that use this output. By default, includes cribl_pipe (identifying the Cribl Stream Pipeline that processed the event). Supports c* wildcards. Other options include:

  • cribl_host – Cribl Stream Node that processed the event.
  • cribl_input – Cribl Stream Source that processed the event.
  • cribl_output – Cribl Stream Destination that processed the event.
  • cribl_route – Cribl Stream Route (or QuickConnect) that processed the event.
  • cribl_wp – Cribl Stream Worker Process that processed the event.

Parquet Settings

To write out Parquet files, note that:

  • On Linux, you can use the Cribl Stream CLI’s parquet command to view a Parquet file, its metadata, or its schema.
  • Cribl Edge Workers support Parquet only when running on Linux, not on Windows.
  • See Working with Parquet for pointers on how to avoid problems such as data mismatches.

Automatic schema: Toggle on to automatically generate a Parquet schema based on the events of each Parquet file that Cribl Stream writes. When toggled off (the default), exposes the following additional field:

  • Parquet schema: Select a schema from the drop-down.

If you need to modify a schema or add a new one, follow the instructions in our Parquet Schemas topic. These steps will propagate the freshest schema back to this drop-down.

Parquet version: Determines which data types are supported, and how they are represented. Defaults to 2.6; 2.4 and 1.0 are also available.

Data page version: Serialization format for data pages. Defaults to V2. If your toolchain includes a Parquet reader that does not support V2, use V1.

Group row limit: The number of rows that every group will contain. The final group can contain a smaller number of rows. Defaults to 10000.

Page size: Set the target memory size for page segments. Generally, set lower values to improve reading speed, or set higher values to improve compression. Value must be a positive integer smaller than the Row group size value, with appropriate units. Defaults to 1 MB.

Log invalid rows: Toggle to Yes to output up to 20 unique rows that were skipped due to data format mismatch. Log level must be set to debug for output to be visible.

Write statistics: Leave toggled on (the default) if you have Parquet tools configured to view statistics – these profile an entire file in terms of minimum/maximum values within data, numbers of nulls, etc.

Write page indexes: Leave toggled on (the default) if your Parquet reader uses statistics from Page Indexes to enable page skipping. One Page Index contains statistics for one data page.

Write page checksum: Toggle on if you have configured Parquet tools to verify data integrity using the checksums of Parquet pages.

Metadata (optional): The metadata of files the Destination writes will include the properties you add here as key-value pairs. For example, one way to tag events as belonging to the OCSF category for security findings would be to set Key to OCSF Event Class and Value to 2001.

Advanced Settings

Max file size (MB): Maximum uncompressed output file size. Files of this size will be closed and moved to final output location. Defaults to 32.

Max file open time (sec): Maximum amount of time to write to a file. Files open for longer than this limit will be closed and moved to final output location. Defaults to 300.

Max file idle time (sec): Maximum amount of time to keep inactive files open. Files open for longer than this limit will be closed and moved to final output location. Defaults to 30.

Max open files: Maximum number of files to keep open concurrently. When exceeded, the oldest open files will be closed and moved to final output location. Defaults to 100.

Cribl Stream will close files when either of the Max file size (MB) or the Max file open time (sec) conditions are met.

Add Output ID: Whether to append output’s ID to staging location. Defaults to Yes.

Remove staging dirs: Toggle to Yes to delete empty staging directories after moving files. This prevents the proliferation of orphaned empty directories. When enabled, exposes this additional option:

  • Staging cleanup period: How often (in seconds) to delete empty directories when Remove staging dirs is enabled. Defaults to 300 seconds (every 5 minutes). Minimum configurable interval is 10 seconds; maximum is 86400 seconds (every 24 hours).

Endpoint: The Google Cloud Storage service endpoint. Typically, there is no reason to change the default endpoint.

Object ACL: Select an Access Control List to assign to uploaded objects. Defaults to private.

Storage class: Select a storage class for uploaded objects.

Signature version: Signature version to use for signing requests. Defaults to v4.

Reuse connections: Whether to reuse connections between requests. The default setting (Yes) can improve performance.

Reject unauthorized certificates: Whether to accept certificates that cannot be verified against a valid Certificate Authority (e.g., self-signed certificates). Defaults to Yes.

Environment: If you’re using GitOps, optionally use this field to specify a single Git branch on which to enable this configuration. If empty, the config will be enabled everywhere.

Internal Fields

Cribl Stream uses a set of internal fields to assist in forwarding data to a Destination.

Field for this Destination:

  • __partition


Nonspecific messages from Google Cloud of the form Error: failed to close file can indicate problems with the permissions listed above.