StatsD Extended

Cribl Stream’s StatsD Extended Destination supports sending out data in expanded StatsD format.

The output is an expanded StatsD metric protocol that supports dimensions, along with a sample rate for counter metrics. As with StatsD, downstream components listen for application metrics over UDP or TCP, can aggregate and summarize those metrics, and can relay them to virtually any graphing or monitoring backend.

For details about the syntax expected by one common downstream service, see Splunk’s Expanded StatsD Metric Protocol documentation.

Type: Streaming | TLS Support: No | PQ Support: Yes

Configuring Cribl Stream to Output via StatsD Extended

From the top nav, click Manage, then select a Worker Group to configure. Next, you have two options:

To configure via the graphical QuickConnect UI, click Routing > QuickConnect (Stream) or Collect (Edge). Next, click Add Destination at right. From the resulting drawer’s tiles, select Metrics > StatsD Extended. Next, click either Add Destination or (if displayed) Select Existing. The resulting drawer will provide the options below.

Or, to configure via the Routing UI, click Data > Destinations (Stream) or More > Destinations (Edge). From the resulting page’s tiles or the Destinations left nav, select Metrics > StatsD Extended. Next, click Add Destination to open a New Destination modal that provides the options below.

General Settings

Output ID: Enter a unique name to identify this StatsD Extended definition. If you clone this Destination, Cribl Stream will add -CLONE to the original Output ID.

Destination protocol: Protocol to use when communicating with the Destination. Defaults to UDP.

Host: The hostname of the Destination.

Port: Destination port. Defaults to 8125.

Optional Settings

Throttling: Displayed only when General Settings > Destination protocol is set to TCP. Rate (in bytes per second) at which at which to throttle while writing to an output. Also takes numerical values in multiples of bytes (KB, MB, GB, etc.). Default value of 0 indicates no throttling.

Backpressure behavior: Displayed only when General Settings > Destination protocol is set to TCP. Select whether to block, drop, or queue events when all receivers are exerting backpressure. (Causes might include a broken or denied connection, or a rate limiter.) Defaults to Block.

Tags: Optionally, add tags that you can use to filter and group Destinations in Cribl Stream’s Manage Destinations page. These tags aren’t added to processed events. Use a tab or hard return between (arbitrary) tag names.

Persistent Queue Settings

This section is displayed only when General Settings > Destination protocol is set to TCP, and only when Backpressure behavior is set to Persistent Queue.

Max file size: The maximum data volume to store in each queue file before closing it. Enter a numeral with units of KB, MB, etc. Defaults to 1 MB.

Max queue size: The maximum amount of disk space that the queue is allowed to consume on each Worker Process. Once this limit is reached, this Destination will stop queueing data and apply the Queue‑full behavior. Required, and defaults to 5 GB. Accepts positive numbers with units of KB, MB, GB, etc. Can be set as high as 1 TB, unless you’ve configured a different Max PQ size per Worker Process in Group Settings.

Queue file path: The location for the persistent queue files. Defaults to $CRIBL_HOME/state/queues. To this value, Cribl Stream will append /<worker‑id>/<output‑id>.

Compression: Codec to use to compress the persisted data, once a file is closed. Defaults to None; Gzip is also available.

Queue fallback behavior: Whether to block or drop events when the queue is exerting backpressure (because disk is low or at full capacity). Block is the same behavior as non-PQ blocking, corresponding to the Block option on the Backpressure behavior drop-down. Drop new data drops the newest events from being sent out of Cribl Stream, and throws away incoming data, while leaving the contents of the PQ unchanged.

Timeout Settings

This section is displayed only when General Settings > Destination protocol is set to TCP.

Connection timeout: Amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the connection to establish, before retrying. Defaults to 10000.

Write timeout: Amount of time (milliseconds) to wait for a write to complete, before assuming connection is dead. Defaults to 60000.

Processing Settings


Pipeline: Pipeline to process data before sending the data out using this output.

System fields: A list of fields to automatically add to events that use this output. By default, includes cribl_pipe (identifying the Cribl Stream Pipeline that processed the event). Supports wildcards. Other options include:

  • cribl_host – Cribl Stream Node that processed the event.
  • cribl_input – Cribl Stream Source that processed the event.
  • cribl_output – Cribl Stream Destination that processed the event.
  • cribl_route – Cribl Stream Route (or QuickConnect) that processed the event.
  • cribl_wp – Cribl Stream Worker Process that processed the event.

Advanced Settings

Max record size (bytes): Used when Protocol is UDP. Specifies the maximum size of packets sent to the Destination. (Also known as the MTU – maximum transmission unit – for the network path to the Destination system.) Defaults to 512.

Flush period (sec): Used when Protocol is TCP. Specifies how often buffers should be flushed, sending records to the Destination. Defaults to 1.

Environment: If you’re using GitOps, optionally use this field to specify a single Git branch on which to enable this configuration. If empty, the config will be enabled everywhere.