Distributed Quick Start

This tutorial builds on our Getting Started Guide by walking you through a distributed deployment – Cribl Stream’s typical deployment type for production.

For concepts and deeper details underlying the techniques presented here, see Distributed Deployment.


To exercise these distributed features, you’ll need the following prerequisites.

Licenses and Instances

This tutorial is tiered to accommodate different Cribl Stream license types:

  • With a Cribl Stream Free, One, or Standard license, you’ll install three Cribl Stream instances on one or multiple physical or virtual machines – one Leader Node, and two Worker Nodes.

  • To do the optional section on adding and managing multiple Worker Groups, you’ll need an Enterprise or Sales Trial license/plan.

Basic Setup

Basic building blocks are identical to the Getting Started Guide. Please refer to the following sections of that tutorial for details, as needed:

To set up the multiple instances you’ll need, choose among the options below in Three Instances, Pick Any Medium. But first, let’s lay out the division of labor in a single Worker Group.

Distributed Deployment (Identical Workers)

A distributed deployment enables Cribl Stream to scale out to handle higher data volumes, load-balancing with failover, and parallel data processing based on conditional mapping and routing.

A single Leader Node manages multiple Worker Nodes. The Leader distributes and updates configuration on the Workers, handles version control, and monitors the Workers’ health and activity metrics. The Workers do all the data processing.

Here, we’ll show how this works by configuring a Leader and two Workers. This configuration is compact, and can be demonstrated without an Enterprise (or other paid) license/plan. But you can extrapolate the same technique to setting up enterprise-scale deployments of hundreds of Workers, to handle petabytes of data.

Cribl Stream Free, One, and Standard licenses support only a single Worker Group (named default), so in this example, all Workers share identical configuration. With an Enterprise license/plan, you can organize Workers into multiple Groups, with varying configurations to handle scenarios like on-premises versus cloud tech stacks, or data centers in different geographic locations. For details, see Worker Groups – What Are They and Why You Should Care.

Three Instances, Pick Any Medium

You’ll need to deploy three Cribl Stream instances – with SSH access – on one or more physical machines, virtual machines, or containers. If you haven’t already provisioned this infrastructure, you have several alternatives, listed in the following subsections:

Pick whichever approach will make it easiest for you to get the infrastructure launched – based on familiarity, preference, or availability.

We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Permissions Errors!

Cribl’s Docker containers come with Cribl Stream preinstalled. If you select any other option, be sure to both install and run Cribl Stream as the same Linux user. (For details on creating a new user – addressing both systemd and initd distro’s – see Enabling Start on Boot.)

Docker Containers

You can use the Docker Compose (docker-compose.yml) file below to easily stand up a Cribl Stream distributed deployment of a Leader and multiple Workers on one machine.

Before you use the Docker Compose file

  1. Open the docker-compose.yml file in a text editor.
  2. Replace both instances of INSERT_TOKEN with a unique, secure token value.
  3. Save the updated docker-compose.yml file.
version: '3.8'
    image: cribl/cribl:latest
      - CRIBL_DIST_MODE=master
      - CRIBL_VOLUME_DIR=/opt/cribl/config-volume
      - "19000:9000"
      - "~/cribl-config:/opt/cribl/config-volume"
    image: cribl/cribl:latest
      - master
      - CRIBL_DIST_MODE=worker
      - CRIBL_DIST_MASTER_URL=tcp://INSERT_TOKEN@master:4200
      - 9000

This uses a local directory, ~/cribl-config, as the configuration store for Cribl Stream. You must create this directory (it can be empty) before you run the docker‑compose command.

If you prefer to use ephemeral storage, you can delete line 8 (the CRIBL_VOLUME_DIR definition) and lines 11–12 (the volumes configuration) before running the docker‑compose command. But this will make it hard to stop and restart the same infrastructure, if you want to do the tutorial in chunks.

To deploy a Leader Node, plus (e.g.) two Workers already configured and wired up to the Leader, use this command:

docker-compose up -d --scale workers=2

To deploy a different number of Workers, just change the workers=2 value. By default, the above command pulls the freshest stable image (tagged cribl/cribl:latest) from Cribl’s Docker Hub. It defaults to the following URLs and ports:

  • Leader URL: http://localhost:19000
  • Worker URLs: http://localhost:<automatically-assigned-host-ports>

If you’re running the container itself on a virtual machine, replace localhost with the VM’s IP address. The automatic assignment of available host-OS ports to the Workers prevents port collisions. Within the Docker container, these ports will forward over TCP to port 9000. To see the ports assigned on the OS, enter:

docker ps

You should see results like these:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                         NAMES
a3de9ea8f46f   cribl/cribl:latest   "/sbin/entrypoint.sh…"   12 seconds ago   Up 10 seconds>9000/tcp                       docker_workers_1
40aa687baefc   cribl/cribl:latest   "/sbin/entrypoint.sh…"   12 seconds ago   Up 10 seconds>9000/tcp                       docker_workers_2
df362a65f7d1   cribl/cribl:latest   "/sbin/entrypoint.sh…"   13 seconds ago   Up 11 seconds>9000/tcp, :::19000->9000/tcp   docker_master_1

The PORTS column shows the host-OS ports on the left, forwarding to the container-internal ports on the right. You can use the docker_workers_N ports if you want to log directly into Workers. In the above example:

  • Worker1 URL: http://localhost:63411
  • Worker2 URL: http://localhost:63410

If your Leader is crashing with two Workers, make sure you are allocating enough memory to Docker.

Once your three instances are running, proceed to Configure Leader Instance.


Use our Download page’s curl command to directly install Cribl Stream onto your chosen infrastructure.

For x64 processors, use: curl -Lso - $(curl https://cdn.cribl.io/dl/latest-x64) | tar zxv

For ARM64 processors: curl -Lso - $(curl https://cdn.cribl.io/dl/latest-arm64) | tar zxv

Once you’ve configured the first Cribl Stream instance as a Leader, you can bootstrap Workers from the Leader. Or you can create Workers (with tags) from the Leader, using a curl command of this form:

curl 'http://<leader-ip-or-hostname>:9000/init/install-worker.sh?token=<token>&tag=<tag1>&tag=<tag2>'

E.g.: curl 'http://localhost:9000/init/install-worker.sh?token=<token>&tag=dev&tag=test''

Once your three instances are running, proceed to Configure Leader Instance.

Amazon Lightsail

Amazon Lightsail provides a quick, simple way to deploy Cribl Stream to AWS instances. Amazon’s Get Started with Linux/Unix-based Instances in Amazon Lightsail tutorial walks you through setting up your instances and connecting via SSH.

  • The free (first month) tier is all you need for this tutorial.
  • As the “platform,” Cribl recommends selecting Amazon Linux 2 (default CentOS).
  • Lightsail doesn’t support IAM roles assigned to instances, or advanced load balancing, but it’s adequate for this tutorial, which is not a production deployment.

Once your three instances are running, proceed to Configure Leader Instance.

AWS/EC2 (CloudFormation Optional)

You can deploy Cribl Stream’s AWS EC2 instances using Cribl’s CloudFormation template, see our AWS/EC2 Quick Start Guide on GitHub. Follow the Cribl Stream Distributed instructions. (You’ll be responsible for the costs of your AWS infrastructure.)

If you prefer to deploy your own EC2 instances, the free tier is fine for this tutorial. Cribl recommends selecting Amazon Linux 2 (default CentOS) AMIs. Relevant instructions are linked below.

  1. See any of these AWS Docs for EC2 deployment:

  2. See these AWS instructions for SSH access:

Once your three instances are running, proceed to Configure Leader Instance.


Use Cribl’s Helm charts to deploy Kubernetes pods, then proceed to the next section:

Configure Leader Instance

Once you’ve set up your Leader and Worker instances via your chosen approach above, you’re ready to configure these instances and their communication.

If you used an installation option like Docker Containers above, it has already preconfigured all three instances for you. This section and the next Configure Workers section will show you how to verify, and/or modify, these preset configurations.

If you want to jump ahead, your next required configuration step is Add a Source, further down.

Configure the first instance in Leader mode, and open port 4200.

  1. Log into the Leader. Depending on the deployment method you chose, this will be at http://<localhost‑or‑IP‑address>:9000 or http://<localhost‑or‑IP‑address>:19000. Use the default admin/admin credentials.

  2. Complete the registration form.

  3. From the UI’s Settings > Global Settings > System > Distributed Settings > General Settings, select ModeLeader.

  4. Click the Leader Settings left tab, and make sure the Port is set to 4200.
    (This port must be open for Workers to communicate with the Leader.)

  5. Click Save to restart the Cribl server in Leader mode.

Keep the Leader’s tab open, so that we can verify connectivity with the Workers after configuring them (in the next section).

Distributed &gt; Leader Settings – the whole enchilada
Distributed > Leader Settings – the whole enchilada
  1. Optional but recommended: From Cribl Stream’s top nav, click Manage > Groups. Then enable the UI access toggle for your Group(s). This way, you will be able to click through from the Leader’s Manage > Workers tab to view and manage each Worker’s UI, distinguished by a purple border. (This option handles authentication for you, so you don’t need to manage or enter the Workers’ credentials.)

Configure Workers

Next, configure the two other instances as Workers that report to the Leader to receive processing instructions. We’ll configure one instance through the UI, and (optionally) bootstrap the other from the Leader.

Configure Worker via UI

  1. Log into the first Worker instance. Depending on the deployment method you chose, this will be at http://<localhost-or-IP-address>:9000 or at: http://<localhost-or-IP-address>:<automatically-assigned-host-port>. Use the default admin/admin credentials.

  2. Complete the registration form, if displayed.

  3. From the UI’s Settings > Global Settings > Distributed Settings > Distributed Management > General Settings, select ModeStream: Managed Worker (managed by Leader).

  4. Leave other settings on this tab unchanged, including Default Group: default.
    (This is the literal name of the single Worker Group available with free licenses.)

  5. On the Leader Settings tab, make sure the Address matches the domain of the Leader you previously configured.

  6. On the same Leader Settings tab, display the Auth token value. Optionally, you can change this from the default.

  7. Leave other settings unchanged, and click Save to restart this instance as a managed Worker.

Bootstrap Worker from Leader

You can (if you choose) configure the second Worker instance using exactly the same procedure you used just above. But here, we’ll offer you a simplified version of Cribl Stream’s Bootstrapping Workers from Leader procedure for downloading the config from the Leader to the second Worker:

First, switch to the terminal/console of the instance you’ve reserved for this second Worker.

Next, if you didn’t change the default Auth token value when you previously configured the Leader, run this command as root user:

curl http://<leader-hostname-or-IP>:9000/init/install-worker.sh | sh -

If you cannot run as root, insert sudo as you pipe to the shell:

curl http://<leader-hostname-or-IP>:9000/init/install-worker.sh | sudo sh -

To instead pipe to a bash shell:

curl http://<leader-hostname-or-IP>:9000/init/install-worker.sh | [sudo] bash -

If you substituted a custom Auth token value on the Leader, enter:

curl http://<leader-hostname-or-IP>:9000/init/install-worker.sh?token=<your-custom-token> | [sudo] sh -

Or, for bash:

curl http://<leader-hostname-or-IP>:9000/init/install-worker.sh?token=<your-custom-token> | [sudo] bash -

The bootstrap script will install Cribl Stream into /opt/cribl on the target instance.

Verify Workers’ Communication with the Leader

With both Workers configured, next make sure they’re visible to the Leader.

  1. Switch back to Cribl Stream’s UI on the Leader instance you previously configured.

  2. From Cribl Stream’s top nav, click Manage.

  3. Below that, click the Workers tab.

  4. On the resulting Manage Workers page, you should now see both Workers, mapped to the default Group.

If one or both Workers are missing, repeat the preceding Configure Worker via UI and/or Bootstrap Worker from Leader procedures until the Workers show up.

Otherwise, if both Workers are present, we can now configure a few more resources to get data flowing through this distributed setup.

If you’re interested in details about the communication among Cribl Stream instances, see How Do Workers and Leader Work Together.

Once you’ve configured a Worker to point to the Leader Node, the Leader will assign the Worker a new, random admin password. This secures each Worker from unintended access. If you need to reconfigure the Worker later, you can either:

Add a Source

To minimize dependencies, this section walks you through enabling a Cribl Stream built-in Datagen Source to get some (fake) events flowing into your Workers. (This is the same approach used in our single-instance Getting Started Guide tutorial, but using a different datagen.)

If you prefer to configure Cribl Stream to receive events from a real data input that you’ve already set up, see our Sources topic for a link to the appropriate instructions.

  1. In the Leader UI’s top nav, click Manage > Groups.

  2. From the resulting Groups page, click the Group name.
    (Working with a free license, we’re implicitly configuring this Source on the default Group.)

  3. From the top nav, select Manage > Data > Sources.

  4. From the Data Sources page’s tiles or left menu, select Datagen.
    (You can use the search box to jump to the Datagen tile.)

  5. Click Add Source to open a New Source modal.

  6. In the Input ID field, name this Source weblog (or any unique name).

  7. In the Data Generator File drop-down, select weblog.log.
    This generates…simulated log events for a website.

  8. Keep the Events per Second per Worker Node at the default 10 EPS for now.

  9. Click Save.

In the Enabled column, the toggle set to Yes indicates that your Datagen Source has started generating sample data.

  1. Click Commit & Deploy at the upper right, enter a commit message, and click Commit and Deploy.
    This uses Cribl Stream’s git integration to record the default Group’s new configuration and deploy it to your Workers.
Source (Datagen) configuration
Source (Datagen) configuration

If you’d like to verify that the Datagen is sending events, wait about a minute for them to start accumulating. Then, on the Manage Sources / Datagen page, click the Live button beside your configured Source. On the resulting Live Data tab, you should see events arrive within the default 10-second capture.

Add a Destination

On the output side, choose any of these options:

  • To configure a realistic output, but with no real dependencies and no license requirement, follow the Simulated Splunk Destination instructions just below.

  • For a simpler option, jump to the Internal Destination instructions further down.

  • To send data to a real receiver that you’ve already set up, see our Destinations topic for a link to the appropriate instructions.

Simulated Splunk Destination

Here, you’ll go through the steps of configuring a typical Splunk Destination, but you’ll use netcat to spoof the receiver on port 9997.

  1. In the Cribl Stream Leader’s UI, configure a Splunk Single Instance Destination, following these instructions. For this simulated output:

    • Set the Address to (i.e., localhost).
    • Do not precede this IP address with any http:// or https://
    • Leave the Port at the default 9997.
    • Set the Backpressure behavior to Drop Events.
A glorious spoofed Splunk Destination config
A glorious spoofed Splunk Destination config
  1. Click Commit at the upper right, enter a commit message, and confirm the commit.

  2. Click Deploy at the upper right to deploy this new configuration to your Workers.

  3. In the first Worker instance’s terminal/console, shell in, then enter cd /opt/cribl/bin to access Cribl Stream’s CLI.

  4. Enter nc -h to check whether netcat is installed on this Linux instance.

If the command fails, follow your Linux distro’s steps for installing netcat. (E.g., for Ubuntu instructions, see Docker Notes below.)

  1. Enter ./cribl nc -l -p 9997 to have netcat listen on port 9997, but simply discard data.
Docker Notes

If you’re using a container like Docker, before shelling in at step 4 above, you’ll need to first open a shell inside that container: docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID> /bin/bash

In the above Docker Containers deployment example, you’d want to open the shell on the docker_workers_1 container, whose <CONTAINER ID> was a3de9ea8f46f.

Cribl’s Docker containers currently run Ubuntu 20.04.6. You can install netcat with this sequence of commands:

apt update
apt install netcat

The data you’ll now see displayed in the terminal will be gibberish, because of Splunk’s proprietary data format.

If data isn’t flowing, you might need to restart Workers. You can do this through Cribl Stream’s UI. With Docker containers, use docker-compose down, followed by docker-compose up.

You can streamline future Commit and Deploy steps by entering a Default Commit Message, and by collapsing actions to a combined Commit and Deploy button. Both options are available at Settings > Global Settings > System > Git Settings > General.

Internal Destination

As an alternative to the Splunk instructions above, you can configure Cribl Stream’s built-in DevNull Destination to capture events and discard them. (This is the same Destination used in our single-instance Getting Started Guide tutorial.)

  1. In the Leader UI’s top nav, click Manage > Groups.

  2. From the resulting Groups tab, click the Group name.
    (Working with a free license, we’re implicitly configuring this Source on the default Group.)

  3. From the top nav, select Data > Destinations.

  4. Select DevNull from the Data Destinations page’s tiles or left menu.
    (You can use the search box to jump to the DevNull tile.)

  5. On the resulting devnull row, look for the Live indicator under Enabled. This confirms that the DevNull Destination is ready to accept events.

  6. From the Data Destinations page’s left nav, select the Default Destination at the top.

  7. On the resulting Manage Default Destination page, verify that the Default Output ID drop-down points to the devnull Destination we just examined.

  8. Click Commit at the upper right, enter a commit message, and confirm the commit.

  9. Click Deploy at the upper right to deploy this new configuration to your Workers.

Add a Pipeline

To complete this distributed deployment with realistic infrastructure, let’s set up a Pipeline and Route.

If you’ve already done the Getting Started Guide, you’ve already created a slicendice Pipeline. In the following steps, skip ahead to adding an Eval Function.

  1. From the current Group’s submenu, select Processing > Pipelines.

  2. At the Pipelines pane’s upper right, click Add Pipeline, then select Create Pipeline.

  3. In the new Pipeline’s ID field, enter a unique identifier (e.g., slicendice).

  4. Optionally, enter a **Description ** of this Pipeline’s purpose.

  5. Click Save.

Pipeline saved
Pipeline saved

Add an Eval Function

Now add an Eval Function to the Pipeline:

  1. At the Pipelines pane’s upper right, click Add Function.

  2. Search for the Eval Function, and click its link to add it.

  3. In the new Function’s Evaluate Fields section, click Add Field.

  4. In the new row’s Name column, name the field origin.

  5. In the new row’s Value Expression column, enter: host+" "+source

This new origin field will concatenate the host and source fields from incoming events.

Adding Eval Function to Pipeline
Adding Eval Function to Pipeline
  1. Click Save to store the Function’s configuration.

  2. Commit and Deploy the new Pipeline configuration.

  3. Optionally, open the right pane and click Capture Data to verify throughput.

Add a Route

If you’ve already done the Getting Started Guide, you’ve already created a demo Route, attached to the slicendice Pipeline. In the following steps, just modify the Route to send data to the new Destination you configured above.

  1. At the Pipelines page’s top left, click Attach to Route.
    This displays the Data Routes page.

  2. Click Add Route.

  3. Enter a unique Route Name, like demo.

  4. Leave the Filter field set to its true default, allowing it to deliver all events.

  5. Set the Pipeline drop-down to our configured slicendice Pipeline.

  6. Set the Output drop-down to the Destination you configured above. If you boldly chose the Simulated Splunk Destination, this will be named something like splunk:splunk9997.

  7. You can leave the Description empty, and leave Final set to Yes.

  8. Grab the new Route by its left handle, and drag it to the top of the Routing table, so that our new Route will process events first. You should see something like the screenshot below.

  9. Click Save to save the new Route configuration.

  10. Commit and Deploy your changes.

  11. Still assuming you configured a simulated Splunk output, look at the terminal where you’re running netcat. You should now see events arriving.

Route attached to Pipeline and Destination
Route attached to Pipeline and Destination

Managing Workers (Scaling)

With all our infrastructure in place, let’s look at how a Cribl Stream distributed deployment scales up to balance the incoming event load among multiple Workers.

  1. In the Leader UI’s top nav, click Manage > Groups.

  2. From the Groups page, click the Group name.
    (Working with a free license, we’re implicitly configuring this Source on the default Group.)

  3. From the top nav, select Manage > Data > Sources, and find the Datagen Source you configured earlier.

  4. Click this Datagen’s row to reopen its config modal.

  5. Reset the Events per Second per Worker Node from the default 10 EPS to a high number, like 200 EPS.

Flooding events into Cribl Stream
Flooding events into Cribl Stream
  1. Click Save, then Commit and Deploy this higher event load.

  2. From the Leader’s top nav, also select Global Config > Commit to commit the Leader’s newest config version. In the resulting modal, click Commit again to confirm.

This uses Cribl Stream’s git integration to save a global configuration point for your whole deployment, which you can roll back to.

Committing Leader&rsquo;s config
Committing Leader’s config
  1. From the Leader’s top nav, click Monitoring.
Monitoring tab
Monitoring tab
  1. On the resulting Monitoring page, watch as the following changes unspool over the next few minutes:
  • The CPU Load Average (1 min) will spike as the higher event volume floods the system.
  • The Workers indicator at upper left will drop to 0 as the Workers restart with the new configuration you’ve deployed to them, and then rebound to 2.
  • If you use the All Workers drop-down at upper right to toggle between your two individual Workers, you should see that Cribl Stream is balancing roughly equal event loads among them.
  1. To confirm both Workers’ alive status: Click Manage, then click the Workers tab.
Workers tab
Workers tab
  1. To wrap up, repeat this procedure’s first six steps to set the Datagen’s rate back down to 10 EPS, and then save, commit, and deploy all changes.

What Have We Done?

This completes your setup of a basic distributed deployment, using a free license, and configuring a single Worker Group of two identically configured Worker Processes. (You can extrapolate these same techniques you’ve just mastered to spin up virtually any number of Workers in the same way.)

To see how you can set up multiple Worker Groups – with separate configurations optimized for separate data flows – continue to the next section, noting its licensing prerequisites.

If you’re deferring or skipping that option, jump ahead to Cleaning Up.

Add and Manage Multiple Worker Groups (Optional)

To add and manage more than one Worker Group – everything in this optional section – you’ll need an Enterprise or Sales Trial license for your on-prem Cribl Stream deployment, or an Enterprise (or equivalent) plan for your Cribl.Cloud Organization. For details on adding multiple Worker Groups on Cribl.Cloud, see Cribl.Cloud Worker Groups.

See Licensing for how to acquire and install one of the above license types. Install the license on your Leader instance, and then commit this as a Leader config change (top nav’s Global Config dialog), before you proceed.

Here, we’ll build on the infrastructure we’ve created so far to:

  • Configure Mapping Rules.
  • Verify how Cribl Stream balances large data volumes among Worker Processes.
  • Add a second Worker Group, data Source, and Destination.
  • Add a second Pipeline and attach it to its own Route.
  • Reconfigure Mapping Rules to send each Source’s data through a separate Group.

To keep this Quick Start tutorial focused on techniques, rather than on configuring lots of infrastructure, we’ll assign just one Worker to each Worker Group – one of the two Workers we launched above. But in production, you’ll be able to apply the same principles to setting up any number of Worker Groups, with any number of Workers.

Multiple-Group Setup

With an Enterprise or Sales Trial license/plan, Cribl Stream’s UI adds some extra features.

The Manage > Groups page, shown here, now supports multiple Groups. (For now, you still see only the single default Group – but we’ll change that a few sections down.)

UI for multiple Worker Groups
UI for multiple Worker Groups

On Cribl.Cloud, the Groups page adds extra columns. You’ll see each Group’s Worker type (hybrid versus Cloud/Cribl-managed) and, for Cloud Groups, the anticipated ingress rate and Provisioned status. For details, see Cribl.Cloud Worker Groups.

Note that if you’ve enabled Worker UI access, you can click directly through to each of your Workers. This feature will come in handy just below. To try it out:

  1. Either click the link in the desired Group’s Workers column, or click the submenu’s Workers tab.
  2. Either way, from the resulting Workers tab, click the desired Worker’s link in the GUID column.
  3. A purple header indicates that you’re viewing a Worker’s UI.
  4. To return to the Leader’s UI, just click the top nav’s Manage option.)
Select a Worker&rsquo;s GUID link to tunnel to that Worker
Select a Worker’s GUID link to tunnel to that Worker
Leader&rsquo;s remote view of Worker&rsquo;s UI
Leader’s remote view of Worker’s UI

Check/Restart Workers

For the remaining steps, we want to make sure both our Workers (configured earlier) are up. Cribl Stream’s top header should indicate 2 WORKERS. You can verify that they’re alive by clicking the top nav’s Manage > Workers tabs, as shown earlier. If so, proceed to Map Groups by Config.

If either or both Workers are down, restart them:

  1. Make sure you’ve enabled Worker UI access. (It’s time!)

  2. To click through to a dormant Worker’s UI, use either of the left-nav options covered just above: either the Workers page, or the Manage > Groups > default submenu of individual Worker IDs.

  3. When you see that Worker’s UI (purple header), click Restart at the upper right.

  4. Confirm your choice, and wait for a Server has been restarted message to appear for a few seconds.

  5. Click the top nav’s Manage option to return to the Leader’s UI.

  6. If the other Worker is down, repeat the above steps to restart it as well.

Map Groups by Config

With both Workers confirmed up, let’s look at how Cribl Stream has automatically mapped all these existing workers to the default Group.

  1. From the Leader’s top nav, click Manage > Mappings.

  2. You now see a default Mapping Ruleset, also literally named default. Click it.

A Cribl Stream Leader can have multiple Mapping Rulesets configured, but only one can be active at a time.

  1. This default Ruleset contains one initial Rule, literally named Default Mappings. Expand its accordion as shown below.

(The default Ruleset and Rule naming are separate from the default Group’s naming. All of these out-of-the-box starting configurations have been named…literally.)

Default Mapping Rule
Default Mapping Rule

Below the Rule Name, a Mapping Rule has two functional fields:

  • Filter: !cribl.group – this value expression specifies “Not already assigned to a Worker Group.”
  • Group: default – this value specifies “Assign to the default Group.”

So this is a catch-all rule. By following it, the Leader has assigned all (both) registered Workers to the default Group.

Let’s make a more-specific rule, mapping a specific Worker (by hostname) to this Group, which receives events from our weblog Datagen Source.

Add Mapping Rules

  1. Click Add Rule at the upper right. Then configure the new Rule as shown below:

    • Rule Name: weblog – for simplicity.
    • Filter: platform=="<this‑worker's‑platform>" – get this value from the right Preview pane. Look for the platform field’s value. In the example shown below, we got "darwin".
    • Group: default – this is the only option available.
A specific Mapping Rule by Filter condition
A specific Mapping Rule by Filter condition
  1. Click Save to add this Rule.

  2. Confirm the warning that changes will take effect immediately.

  3. From the top nav, select Global Config > Commit to commit the Leader’s new config.

For more Mapping Rules/Rulesets details and examples, see Distributed Deployment.

Next, we’ll add a second Worker Group; add a second Source (relaying Cribl Stream’s internal metrics); and then add another Mapping Rule, to map our second Worker to the new Group.

Add Another Worker Group

  1. From the Leader’s top nav, click Manage > Groups.

  2. On the resulting Groups page, click New Group.

  3. Name the new Group CriblMetrics to match its purpose.

  4. Toggle UI access to Yes.

Creating a new Group
Creating a new Group
  1. Save the Group.

  2. Click Deploy on the new Group’s row, and confirm your choice. The new Group should deploy immediately.

Second Groups saved, ready to Deploy
Second Groups saved, ready to Deploy
  1. From the top nav, select Global Config > Commit to commit the new config on the Leader.

Add Another Source

On the new Group, we’ll now enable a Cribl Internal: Metrics Source, representing a second data type.

  1. From the Leader’s top nav, click Manage > Groups > CriblMetrics.

  2. From the resulting submenu, click Data > Sources.

  3. From the Data Sources page’s tiles or left menu, select Cribl Internal.

  4. On the Manage Sources / Cribl Internal page, toggle Enable to Yes in the CriblMetrics row.

  5. Confirm that you want to enable CriblMetrics.

CriblMetrics Source enabled
CriblMetrics Source enabled
  1. From the top nav, select Global Config > Commit to commit the new config on the Leader and Group.

  2. Click Deploy at the upper right to deploy this new configuration to your Workers.

Map Workers to Groups

Now let’s map this new group to the CriblMetrics Source’s incoming events:

  1. From the Leader’s top nav, click Manage > Groups.

  2. From the Groups page, click the Mappings tab.

  3. Click the default Mapping Ruleset to open it.

  4. Click Add Rule at the upper right. Then configure the new Rule as shown below:

  • Rule Name: CriblMetrics – for simplicity.
  • Filter: hostname=="<this‑worker's‑hostname>" – get this value from the right Preview pane. In the second Worker down, look for the hostname field’s value. In the example shown below, we got "2ca68fec7de0".
  • Group: CriblMetrics – this is the Group we want to map.
  1. Move the Default Mappings rule to the bottom of the Ruleset, reflecting its catch-all function.

  2. Click Save to store the new configuration.

  3. Confirm the warning that changes will take effect immediately.

Adding a Rule to map the CriblMetrics Worker to its own Group
Adding a Rule to map the CriblMetrics Worker to its own Group
  1. From the top nav, select Global Config > Commit to commit the Leader’s new config.

We now have two data Sources and two Worker Groups – one each for (Web) logs versus (Cribl Internal) metrics – along with two Mapping Rules to map data accordingly. To confirm the Workers’ assignment to the two Groups, click the top nav’s Manage tab, then select Groups from the submenu:

Manage Groups page confirms Workers&rsquo; mapping and assignment
Manage Groups page confirms Workers’ mapping and assignment

To confirm further details about the Workers, click the Workers tab, and on the resulting Workers page, click anywhere on the Worker Node’s row to reveal more details:

Worker Node Details
Worker Node Details

Configure Metrics Output

With incoming metrics now mapped to our second Worker Group, we next need to configure this Group’s output. Here, we’ll rely on a metrics-oriented Pipeline and a Destination that ship with Cribl Stream, and create a new Route to connect everything up.

Examine the Metrics Pipeline

  1. From the Leader’s top nav, click Manage > Groups > CriblMetrics.

  2. From the resulting submenu, select Processing > Pipelines.

  3. On the Pipelines page, find the cribl_metrics_rollup Pipeline, and click it to expand it.

  4. Expand this Pipeline’s Functions (including Comments) to see its configuration. It’s preconfigured with a Rollup Metrics Function to aggregate metrics to a 30-second time window. Next is an Eval Function that filters for Cribl (Cribl Stream) internal metrics and tags them on outgoing events with a new field.

cribl_metrics_rollup Pipeline, shipped with Cribl Stream
cribl_metrics_rollup Pipeline, shipped with Cribl Stream

Add Another Route

We’ll connect this existing Pipeline to a new Route:

  1. At the Pipelines page’s top left, click Attach to Route.
    This displays the Data Routes page.

  2. Click Add Route.

  3. Enter a unique Route Name, like metrics.

  4. Leave the Filter field set to its true default, allowing it to deliver all events.

  5. Make sure the Pipeline drop-down is set to cribl_metrics_rollup.

  6. As the Output (Destination), select our old friend devnull:devnull.

    This is Cribl Stream’s preconfigured Destination that simulates a downstream service while simply dropping events.

  7. You can leave the Description empty, and leave Final set to Yes.

  8. Grab the new Route by its handle, and drag it to the top of the Routing table, so that our new Route will process events first. You should see something like the screenshot below.

  9. Click Save to save the new Route configuration.

  10. Commit and Deploy your changes.

Cribl metrics Route, Pipeline, and Destination wired up
Cribl metrics Route, Pipeline, and Destination wired up

Verify the Multi-Group Deployment

From the sparkline on the Route you just configured (see the screenshot above), you can already see that metrics data is flowing all the way “out” of Cribl Stream – simulated here by the DevNull Destination.

To verify the whole configuration you’ve created, click the top nav’s Monitoring tab. On the Monitoring page, toggle the All Groups drop-down (upper right), toggle between the two Worker Groups to see the division of labor:

  • Group default (the out-of-the-box Group we configured first) handles the weblog.log data.
  • Group CriblMetrics handles the metrics data.
Monitoring individual Worker Groups&rsquo; throughput
Monitoring individual Worker Groups’ throughput

All the Distributed Things – Review

Before a final section where you can tear down your infrastructure, here’s a recap of the simple (but expandable) distributed model we’ve created, with some ideas for expanding it:

  • A distributed deployment enables Cribl Stream to scale out to higher data volumes. This load-balancing occurs even with a single Worker Group, in which all Workers share the same configuration.

  • By adding multiple Worker Groups, you can partition Worker Nodes (and their data flows) by different configurations. In this demonstration, we simply mapped Workers to Groups by the Workers’ hostname. But you can map by a range of arbitrary criteria to meet your production needs.

  • E.g.: Different Groups can be managed by different teams. You can filter on DNS rules to send relevant data to the relevant team’s Group.

  • Different Groups can also maintain configurations for different regions’ data privacy or data retention requirements.

  • You can also Map workers arbitrarily using Tags and other options.

Setting arbitrary Tags on a managed Worker
Setting arbitrary Tags on a managed Worker

More About Worker Groups, Nodes, and Processes – Definitions

Cribl Stream refers to “Workers” at several levels. Now that you’ve been initiated into building distributed deployments, here’s a guide to the fine points of distinguishing these levels:

  • A Worker Group holds one or multiple Worker Nodes.

  • Each Worker Node functions like an independent Cribl Stream single-instance deployment. Worker Nodes don’t coordinate directly with each other – they’re coordinated only through communication to/from the Leader Node.

  • Each Worker Node contains a configured number of Worker Processes. Unlike the above grouping abstractions, this is the level that actually processes data. To load-balance among Worker Processes, Cribl Stream’s API Process round-robins incoming connections to them.

When deploying on AWS/EKS, Worker Groups should not span Availability Zones. If you have EBS persistent volumes, and a node fails, its replacement won’t be able to access the peer volume across AZs.

Cleaning Up

If and when you choose to shut down the infrastructure you’ve configured for this demonstration:

  • Navigate to Cribl Stream’s default Group > Data > Sources > Datagen, and switch off the toggle beside weblog.log.

  • If you configured a second Worker Group: Navigate to Cribl Stream’s CriblMetrics Group > Data > Sources > Cribl Internal, and disable the toggle beside CriblMetrics.

  • If you have netcat running on a Worker’s terminal/console, ^C it.

  • There’s no need (or way) to switch off the DevNull Destination – it just is.

  • If desired, Commit and Deploy these changes.

  • If you’re running the Cribl Stream server(s) on cloud instances that will (ultimately) incur charges, you’re now free to shut down those cloud resources.

Next Steps

Interested in guided walk-throughs of more-advanced Cribl Stream features? We suggest that you next check out these further resources.

  • Distributed Deployment: All the details behind the deployment approach you just mastered in this tutorial.

  • Cribl Stream Sandboxes: Work through general and specific scenarios in a free, hosted environment, with terminal access and real data inputs and outputs.

  • Use Cases documentation: Bring your own services to build solutions to specific challenges.

  • Cribl Concept: Pipelines – Video showing how to build and use Pipelines at multiple Cribl Stream stages.

  • Cribl Concept: Routing – Video about using Routes to send different data through different paths.