
limits.yml maintains parameters for the system. In a distributed deployment, these parameters are configured on both the Leader and the Workers.

In the UI, you can configure them:

  • On the Leader at Settings > Global Settings > General Settings > Limits.
  • On a single instance at Settings > General Settings > Limits.
  • On Worker Groups at <Group/Fleet‑name> > Group Settings > General Settings > Limits.

Where we do not specify or validate a minimum or maximum value, Cribl provides a prudent default. Adjust this initial value to match your architecture and needs.

samples: # [object] Samples
  maxSize: # [string; maximum: 3 MB; default: 256 KB] Max sample size - Maximum file size for the sample, in binary units (KB, MB).
maxMetrics: # [number; default: 1000000] Total allowed number of metric series, configurable on the Leader and per Group/Fleet. The Cribl server ignores 0 or negative values.
minFreeSpace: # [string; default: 5 GB] Min free disk space - The minimum amount of disk space on the host before various features will take measures to prevent disk usage (units are KB, MB, etc.).
maxPQSize: # [string; default: 1 TB] Maximum persistent queue size per Worker Process. Sets the highest accepted value for individual integrations' PQ 'Max queue size' parameters. Consult Cribl Support before increasing the default 1 TB.
metricsGCPeriod: # [string; default: 60s] Metrics GC period - The interval on which the system attempts to free memory, by pruning stale metrics from the Stream system metrics store.
metricsMaxCardinality: # [number; default: 1000] Metrics cardinality limit - The system's allowed number of permutations of a given metric name.
metricsMaxDiskSpace: # [string; default: 64GB] Metrics max disk space - Maximum allowed disk space for persisting metrics to disk.
metricsWorkerIdBlacklist: # [array of strings] Metrics worker tracking - List of metric names for which to disable tracking of Worker Node ID. Supports wildcards. Default values: host.*, source.*, sourcetype.*, index.*.
metricsNeverDropList: # [array of strings] Metrics never-drop list - List of metric names for which to ensure delivery. Supports wildcards. Default values: total.*, system.*.
metricsFieldsBlacklist: # [array of strings] Disable field metrics - List of event fields for which to disable metric collection. Default values: host, source, sourcetype, index, project.
metricsDirectory: # [string] Metrics directory - Directory in which to store metrics on disk. Defaults to: $CRIBL_HOME/state/metrics.
cpuProfileTTL: # [string; default: 30m] CPU profile TTL - The time-to-live for collected CPU profiles.
eventsMetadataSources: # [array of strings] Event metadata sources - List of event metadata sources to enable. Defaults to an empty array.
edgeMetricsMode: # [string] Metrics to send from Edge Nodes - Choose a set of metrics for Edge Nodes to send to the Leader, or define a custom set. Default value: basic. Other predefined sets: minimal, all, custom. Details about predefined sets are at:

# -------------- if edgeMetricsMode is custom ---------------

edgeMetricsCustomExpression: # [string] Metrics expression - JavaScript expression to filter metrics.

# --------------------------------------------------------

enableMetricsPersistence: # [boolean; default: true] Persist metrics - Set this to false to disable writing metrics to disk.