
Define and manage access-control Roles and Policies

Cribl Stream offers role-based access control (RBAC) to serve these common enterprise goals:

  • Security: Limit the blast radius of inadvertent or intentional errors, by restricting each user’s actions to their needed scope within the application.

  • Accountability: Ensure compliance, by restricting read and write access to sensitive data.

  • Operational efficiency: Match enterprise workflows, by delegating access over subsets of objects/resources to appropriate users and teams.

Role-based access control is available only on distributed deployments (Stream, Edge) with an Enterprise license or Cribl.Cloud plan. With other license/plan types and/or single-instance deployments, all users will have full administrative privileges.

Roles, Meet Permissions

In Cribl Stream 4.2 and later, the Roles/Policies model described on this page exists in parallel with a new, more flexible Members/Permissions model, which will eventually replace it. To provide cross-compatibility, we have added several new Default Roles and Default Policies that are counterparts to new Permissions.

As noted below, these cross-compatible Roles/Policies support customers who still choose to configure Local Users with Roles and Policies. Your configured Local Users appear interchangeably in the new Members UI, and vice versa.

Known Issue

In the current release, existing Local Users display incorrectly with No Access Permissions on Settings > Members pages. This is a display-only bug: These users’ Roles still function as originally configured. For details and fix timeline, please see Known Issues.

RBAC Concepts

Cribl Stream’s RBAC mechanism is designed around the following concepts, which you manage in the UI:

  • Roles: Logical entities that are associated with one or multiple Policies (groups of permissions). You use each Role to consistently apply these permissions to multiple Cribl Stream users.

  • Policies: A set of permissions. A Role that is granted a given Policy can access, or perform an action on, a specified Cribl Stream object or objects.

  • Permissions: Access rights to navigate to, view, change, or delete specified objects in Cribl Stream.

  • Users: You map Roles to Cribl Stream users in the same way that you map user groups to users in LDAP and other common access-control frameworks.

Users are independent Cribl Stream objects that you can configure even without RBAC enabled. For details, see Local Users.

How Cribl Stream RBAC Works

Cribl Stream RBAC is designed to grant arbitrary permissions over objects, attributes, and actions at arbitrary levels.

In Cribl Stream v.2.4.x through 4.1.x, Roles are customizable only down to the Worker Group/Fleet level. E.g., you can grant Edit permission on Worker Group/Fleet WG1 to User A and User B; but you cannot grant them finer-grained permissions on child objects such as Pipelines, Routes, etc. through the UI.

Setting these granular permissions requires creating custom Policies in policies.yml configuration files. Note that this option is currently supported only with on-prem (customer-managed) deployments, not on Cribl.Cloud.

Cribl Stream’s UI will be presented differently to users who are assigned Roles that impose access restrictions. Controls will be visible but disabled, and search and log results will be limited, depending on each user’s permissions.

Access to the same objects via Cribl Stream’s API and CLI will be similarly filtered, with appropriate error reporting. E.g., if a user tries to commit and deploy changes on a Worker Group/Fleet where they are not authorized, they might receive a CLI error message like this: git commit-deploy command failed with err: Forbidden

Cribl Stream Roles can be integrated with external authorization/IAM mechanisms, such as LDAP and OIDC and mapped to their respective groups, tags, etc.

Using Roles

Cribl Stream ships with a set of default Roles, which you can supplement.

Default Roles

These Roles ship with Cribl Stream by default.

Organization-Level Roles

Note that some of the Roles below have no counterpart Permission in Cribl’s newer Members/Permissions model.

NameDescriptionPermission Equivalent
adminSuperuser – authorized to do anything in the system.Organization Admin
gitopsAbility to sync the Cribl Stream deployment to a remote Git repository.N/A
notification_adminRead/write access to all Notifications.N/A
userDefault Role that gets only a home/landing page to authenticate. This is a fallback for users who have not yet been assigned a higher Role by an admin.Organization User
project_userRead/write access to the simplified Stream Projects UI and related data Subscriptions. Deprecated as of v.4.2.

Instead assign Editor, as the most comparable new Project-level Permission. The more-permissive Maintainer, and the more-restrictive Read Only, are also available Permissions.
Project Editor

Stream Roles

NameDescriptionPermission Equivalent
stream_userBasic Role for Stream.Stream User.
stream_readerAllows viewing all Members, Worker Groups, Settings, Leader commits, and legacy Local Users and Roles, with no configuration capabilities.Stream Read Only.
stream_editorAllows viewing all Groups and Monitoring pages.Stream Editor.
stream_adminSuperuser Role at the Product levelStream Admin.

Edge Roles

NameDescriptionPermission Equivalent
edge_userBasic Role for Edge.Edge User.
edge_readerAllows viewing all Members, Fleets, Settings, Leader commits, and legacy Local Users and Roles, with no configuration capabilities.Edge Read Only.
edge_editorAllows viewing all Groups and Monitoring pages.Edge Editor.
edge_adminSuperuser Role at the Product level.Edge Admin.

Worker Group–Level Roles

NameDescriptionPermission Equivalent
owner_allRead/write access to (and Deploy permission on) all Worker Groups.N/A
editor_allRead/write access to all Worker Groups.N/A
reader_allRead-only access to all Worker Groups.N/A
collect_allAbility to create, configure, and run Collection jobs on all Worker Groups.N/A

Search Roles

NameDescriptionPermission Equivalent
search_userBasic Role for Search.Search User.
search_editorManage datasets, dataset providers, dashboards and settings.Search Editor.
search_adminSuperuser Role at the Product level.Search Admin.

Cribl strongly recommends that you do not edit or delete these default Roles. However, you can readily clone them (see the Clone Role button in the next section’s screenshots), and modify the duplicates to meet your needs.

Initial Installation or Upgrade

When you first install Cribl Stream with the prerequisites to enable RBAC (Enterprise license and distributed deployment), you will be granted the admin Role. Using this Role, you can then define and apply additional Roles for other users.

You will similarly be granted the admin Role upon upgrading an existing Cribl Stream installation from pre-2.4 versions to v. 2.4 or higher. This maintains backwards-compatible access to everything your organization has configured under the previous Cribl Stream version’s single Role.

Adding and Modifying Roles

In a distributed environment, you manage Roles at the Leader level, for the entire deployment. On the Leader Node, select Settings > Global Settings > Access Management > Roles.

Manage Roles page
Manage Roles page

To add a new Role, click New Role at the upper right. To edit an existing Role, click anywhere on its row. Here again, either way, the resulting modal offers basically the same options.

Add/edit Role modal
Add/edit Role modal

The options at the modal’s top and bottom are nearly self-explanatory:

Role name: Unique name for this Role. Cannot contain spaces.

Description: Optional free-text description.

Delete Role: And…it’s gone. (But first, there’s a confirmation prompt. Also, you cannot delete a Role assigned to an active user.)

Clone Role: Opens a New role version of the modal, duplicating the Description and Policies of the Role you started with.

The modal’s central Policies section (described below) is its real working area.

Adding and Removing Policies

The Policies section is an expandable table. In each row, you select a Policy using the left drop-down, and apply that Policy to objects (i.e., assign permissions on those objects) using the right drop-down.

Let’s highlight an example from the above screen capture of Cribl Streams built-in Roles: The editor_all Role has the GroupEdit Policy, with permission to exercise it on any and all Worker Groups/Fleets (as indicated by the * wildcard).

Policies on the left, objects on the right
Policies on the left, objects on the right

To add a new Policy to a Role:

  1. Click Add Policy to add a new row to the Policies table.

  2. Select a Policy from the left column drop-down.

  3. Accept the default object on the right; or select one from the drop-down.

To modify an already-assigned Policy, just edit its row’s drop-downs in the Policies table.

To remove a Policy from the Role, click its close box at right.

In all cases, click Save to confirm your changes and close the modal.

Default Policies

In the Policies table’s left column, the drop-down offers the following default Policies:

Worker Group-Level Policies

NameDescriptionPermission Equivalent
GroupReadThe most basic Worker Group-level permission. Enables users to view a Worker Group and its configuration, but not modify or delete the config.Worker Group-level Read Only.
GroupEditBuilding on GroupRead, grants the ability to also change and commit a Worker Group’s configuration.Worker Group-level Editor.
GroupFullBuilding on GroupEdit, grants the ability to also deploy a Worker Group.Worker Group-level Admin.
GroupCollectGrants the ability to create, configure, and run Collectors on a Worker Group.N/A
GroupUserAccess Worker Group.Worker Group-level User.

Project-Level Policies

NameDescriptionPermission Equivalent
ProjectMaintainGrants ability to edit or delete the Project and its settings.Project-level Maintainer.
ProjectReadCan configure connections among the Project’s Subscriptions, Packs, and Destinations, but cannot modify or delete these resources.Project-level Read Only.
ProjectEditCan view Project and Subscription settings and connections, but not modify or delete them.Project-level Editor.

Product-Level Policies

NameDescriptionPermission Equivalent
ProductUserMakes the Member assignable to Worker Groups and resources, with no initial access to any.Product-level User.
LimitedProductUserSimilar to ProductUser, but omits the ability to read or act on all the endpoints within a Worker Group.N/A
ProductAdminSuperuser Permission at the Product level.Product-level Admin.

Search Policies

NameDescriptionPermission Equivalent
DatasetMaintainFull access to dataset configuration.Search datasets Maintainer.
DatasetReadCan view and search, but not modify dataset configurations.Search datasets Read Only.
DatasetProviderMaintainFull access to dataset provider configuration.Search dataset providers Maintainer.
DatasetProviderReadCan view and search, but not modify dataset provider configurations.Search dataset providers Read Only.
SearchUserSearch data and view results shared with the userSearch Product-level User.
SearchMaintainerManage datasets, dataset providers, dashboards and settings.Search Product-level Editor.
DashboardMaintainCan edit and delete a Search dashboard.Search dashboard Maintainer.
DashboardReadCan view and use a Search dashboard.Search dashboard Read Only.

General Policies

NameDescriptionPermission Equivalent
* (wildcard)Grants all permissions on associated objects.N/A

Internal Policies

The following policies are internal building blocks for Product-specific Policies. Do not add them directly to Roles.

NameDescriptionPermission Equivalent
SearchBaseSimilar to SearchUser: Can view Search resources shared with the Member.N/A
Use Policies As-Is

By design, the default Policies that ship with Cribl Stream cannot be modified via the UI or API. Do not attempt to modify them by other means. Breaking the built-in model could undermine your intended access-control protections, opening your deployment and data to security vulnerabilities.

Objects and Permissions

In the Policies table’s right column, use the drop-down to select the Cribl Stream objects on which the left column’s Policy will apply. (Remember that in v. 2.4, the objects available for selection are specific Worker Groups/Fleets, or a wildcard representing all Worker Groups/Fleets.) For example:

  • Worker Group <id>
  • NewGroup2
  • default (Worker Group)
  • * (all Worker Groups)

Extending Default Roles

Here’s a basic example that ties together the above concepts and facilities. It demonstrates how to add a Role whose permissions are restricted to a particular Worker Group/Fleet.

Here, we’ve cloned the editor_all Role that we unpacked above. We’ve named the clone editor_default.

We’ve kept the GroupEdit Policy from editor_all. But in the right column, we’re restricting its object permissions to the default Worker Group/Fleet that ships with Cribl Stream.

Cloning a default Role
Cloning a default Role

You can readily adapt this example to create a Role that has permissions on an arbitrarily named Worker Group/Fleet of your own.

Roles and Users

Once you’ve defined a Role, you can associate it with Cribl Stream users. On the Leader Node, select Settings > Global Settings > Access Management > Local Users. For details, see Local Users.

Note that when you assign multiple Roles to a given user, the Roles’ permissions are additive: This user is granted a superset of all the permissions contained in all the assigned Roles.

By default, Cribl Stream will log out a user upon a change in their assigned Roles. You can defeat this behavior at Settings > Global Settings > General Settings > API Server Settings > Advanced > Logout on roles change.

External Groups and Cribl Stream Roles

You can map user groups from external identity providers (LDAP, Splunk, or OIDC) to Cribl Stream Roles, as follows:

  1. Select Settings > Global Settings > Access Management > Authentication.

  2. From the Type drop-down, select LDAP, Splunk, or OpenID Connect, according to your needs.

  3. On the resulting Authentication Settings page, configure your identity provider’s connection and other basics. (For configuration details, see the appropriate Authentication section.)

  4. Under Role Mapping, first select a Cribl Stream Default role to apply to external user groups that have no explicit Cribl Stream mapping defined below.

  5. Next, map external groups as you’ve configured them in your external identity provider (left field below) to Cribl Stream Roles (right drop-down list below).

  6. To map more user groups, click Add Mapping.

  7. When your configuration is complete, click Save.

Here’s a composite showing the built-in Roles available on both the Default role and the Mapping drop-downs:

Mapping external user groups to Cribl Stream Roles
Mapping external user groups to Cribl Stream Roles

And here, we’ve set a conservative Default Role and one explicit Mapping:

External user groups mapped to Cribl Stream Roles
External user groups mapped to Cribl Stream Roles