Amazon SQS

Cribl Stream supports receiving events from Amazon Simple Queuing Service.

Type: Pull | TLS Support: YES (secure API) | Event Breaker Support: No

Configuring Cribl Stream to Receive Data from Amazon SQS

From the top nav, click Manage, then select a Worker Group to configure. Next, you have two options:

To configure via the graphical QuickConnect UI, click Routing > QuickConnect (Stream) or Collect (Edge). Next, click Add Source at left. From the resulting drawer’s tiles, select [Pull > ] Amazon > SQS. Next, click either Add Destination or (if displayed) Select Existing. The resulting drawer will provide the options below.

Or, to configure via the Routing UI, click Data > Sources (Stream) or More > Sources (Edge). From the resulting page’s tiles or left nav, select [Pull > ] Amazon > SQS. Next, click New Source to open a New Source modal that provides the options below.

General Settings

Input ID: Enter a unique name to identify this SQS Source definition. If you clone this Source, Cribl Stream will add -CLONE to the original Input ID.

Queue: The name, URL, or ARN of the SQS queue to read events from. This value must be a JavaScript expression (which can evaluate to a constant), enclosed in single quotes, double quotes, or backticks. To specify a non-AWS URL, use the format: '{url}/<queueName>'. (E.g., ':port/<myQueueName>'.)

Queue type: The queue type used (or created). Defaults to Standard. FIFO (First In, First Out) is the other option.

Optional Settings

Create queue: If toggled to Yes, Cribl Stream will create the queue if it does not exist.

Region: AWS Region where the SQS queue is located. Required, unless the Queue entry is a URL or ARN that includes a Region.

Tags: Optionally, add tags that you can use to filter and group Sources in Cribl Stream’s Manage Sources page. These tags aren’t added to processed events. Use a tab or hard return between (arbitrary) tag names.


Use the Authentication method drop-down to select an AWS authentication method.


This default option uses the AWS instance’s metadata service to automatically obtain short-lived credentials from the IAM role attached to an EC2 instance, local credentials, sidecar, or other source. The attached IAM role grants Cribl Stream Workers access to authorized AWS resources. Can also use the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. Works only when running on AWS.


If not running on AWS, you can select this option to enter a static set of user-associated IAM credentials (your access key and secret key) directly or by reference. This is useful for Workers not in an AWS VPC, e.g., those running a private cloud. The Manual option exposes these corresponding additional fields:

  • Access key: Enter your AWS access key. If not present, will fall back to the env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variable, or to the metadata endpoint for IAM role credentials.

  • Secret key: Enter your AWS secret key. If not present, will fall back to the env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable, or to the metadata endpoint for IAM credentials.


If not running on AWS, you can select this option to supply a stored secret that references an AWS access key and secret key. The Secret option exposes this additional field:

  • Secret key pair: Use the drop-down to select a secret key pair that you’ve configured in Cribl Stream’s internal secrets manager or (if enabled) an external KMS. Follow the Create link if you need to configure a key pair.

Assume Role

When using Assume Role to access resources in a different region than Cribl Stream, you can target the AWS Security Token Service (STS) endpoint specific to that region by using the CRIBL_AWS_STS_REGION environment variable on your Worker Node. Setting an invalid region results in a fallback to the global STS endpoint.

Enable for SQS: Whether to use Assume Role credentials to access SQS. Defaults to No.

AWS account ID: SQS queue owner’s AWS account ID. Leave empty if SQS queue is in same AWS account.

AssumeRole ARN: Enter the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume.

External ID: Enter the external ID to use when assuming role.

Duration (seconds): Duration of the Assumed Role’s session, in seconds. Minimum is 900 (15 minutes). Maximum is 43200 (12 hours). Defaults to 3600 (1 hour).

Processing Settings


In this section, you can add Fields to each event, using Eval-like functionality.

Name: Field name.

Value: JavaScript expression to compute field’s value, enclosed in quotes or backticks. (Can evaluate to a constant.)


In this section’s Pipeline drop-down list, you can select a single existing Pipeline to process data from this input before the data is sent through the Routes.

Advanced Settings

Endpoint: SQS service endpoint. If empty, the endpoint will be automatically constructed from the AWS Region.

Signature version: Signature version to use for signing SQS requests. Defaults to v4; v2 is also available.

Max messages: The maximum number of messages that SQS should return in a poll request. Amazon SQS never returns more messages than this value. (However, fewer messages might be returned.) Acceptable values: 1 to 10. Defaults to 10.

Visibility timeout seconds: The duration (in seconds) that the received messages are hidden from subsequent retrieve requests, after they’re retrieved by a ReceiveMessage request. Defaults to 600.

Num receivers: The number of receiver processes to run. The higher the number, the better the throughput, at the expense of CPU overhead. Defaults to 3.

Poll timeout (secs): How long to wait for events before polling again. Minimum 1 second; default 10; maximum 20. Short durations increase the number ‑ and thus the cost – of requests sent to AWS. (The UI will show a warning for intervals shorter than 5 seconds.) Long durations increase the time the Source takes to react to configuration changes and system restarts.

Reuse connections: Whether to reuse connections between requests. The default setting (Yes) can improve performance.

Reject unauthorized certificates: Whether to reject certificates that cannot be verified against a valid Certificate Authority (e.g., self-signed certificates). Defaults to Yes, the restrictive option.

Environment: If you’re using GitOps, optionally use this field to specify a single Git branch on which to enable this configuration. If empty, the config will be enabled everywhere.

Connected Destinations

Select Send to Routes to enable conditional routing, filtering, and cloning of this Source’s data via the Routing table.

Select QuickConnect to send this Source’s data to one or more Destinations via independent, direct connections.

Internal Fields

Cribl Stream uses a set of internal fields to assist in handling of data. These “meta” fields are not part of an event, but they are accessible, and Functions can use them to make processing decisions.

Fields for this Source:

  • __final
  • __inputId
  • __raw
  • __receivedTs
  • __sqsMessageId
  • __sqsReceiptHandle
  • _time

SQS Permissions

The following permissions are needed on the SQS queue:

  • sqs:ReceiveMessage
  • sqs:DeleteMessage
  • sqs:GetQueueAttributes
  • sqs:GetQueueUrl
  • sqs:CreateQueue (optional, if and only if you want Cribl Stream to create the queue)

Proxying Requests

If you need to proxy HTTP/S requests, see System Proxy Configuration.

Troubleshooting Notes

VPC endpoints for SQS might need to be set up in your account. Check with your administrator for details.

How Cribl Stream Pulls Data

Workers poll messages from SQS. The call will return a message if one is available, or will time out after 1 second if no messages are available.

Each Worker gets its share of the load from SQS, and it receives a notification of a file newly added to an S3 bucket. By default, SQS returns a maximum of 10 messages in a single poll request.