Stream/ Functions/OTLP Metrics

OTLP Metrics

The OTLP Metrics Function transforms dimensional metrics events into the OTLP (OpenTelemetry Protocol) format. This Function can be used to send metric events (events that contain the internal field __criblMetrics) to any OpenTelemetry Metrics-capable destinations.

For detailed insights into events that passed through the Function but were dropped, set the logging level for channel func:otlp_metrics to debug, and there will be a stats log message output once per minute with the relevant information.

This Function will delete the internal attribute __criblMetrics, making events only suitable for destinations that use the OTLP format.


Ideally, this Function should process events and/or metrics after other Functions have formatted them. Therefore Cribl recommends that you place this Function last in the Pipeline.

If no metric events appear in Simple or Full Preview, try enabling Show Dropped Events: If Cribl Stream processed and dropped events, there’s an issue with your data. Either the incoming events are malformed, or, the resource attributes in those events do not match any of the resource attribute prefixes you configured. See Resource attribute prefixes below.

Filter: Filter expression (JavaScript) that selects data to feed through the Function. The default true setting passes all events through the Function.

Description: Simple description of this Function’s purpose in this Pipeline. Defaults to empty.

Final: If toggled to Yes, stops feeding data to the downstream Functions. Defaults to No.

Resource attribute prefixes: The prefixes of top-level attributes to add as resource attributes. See the OpenTelemetry documentation for Resource Semantic Conventions.

  • Use periods and underscores for precise matching. For example, process.path.
  • Remove all the prefixes if you want to bring none of the resources over.
  • Use the Eval Function to copy nested attributes to the top level for matching. For example, configure Evaluate Fields as follows to create a new top-level field named process_path with the value copied from the nested attribute process.path. This new field can then be matched using the OTLP Metrics Function’s Resource attribute prefixes:
    • Name: process_path
    • Value Expression: process.path

Drop non-metric events: Whether or not to drop any non-metric events.

OTLP version: The drop-down offers 0.10.0 (default) and 1.3.1. See

Batch OTLP metrics: Whether to batch OTLP metrics by shared top-level resource attributes. When enabled, exposes these additional controls:

  • Batch size: The number of metric data points after which a batch will be sent, regardless of whether the timeout duration has been reached.

  • Batch timeout (ms): Time duration after which a batch will be sent regardless of size.

  • Batch size limit (kb): Maximum batch size. 0 means no limit.

  • Batch metrics metadata keys: Optionally, add metadata keys that you want the Function to create batcher instances for, in addition to any batching based on resource attributes. When set, this processor will create one batcher instance per distinct combination of values in the metadata.

  • Metadata cardinality limit: Limits the number of unique combinations of metadata key values that the batcher will process. Once the limit has been reached, the Function will drop events whose metadata key values constitute a new combination.

Choosing or Combining OTLP Versions

Because this Function resides in between Cribl Stream OTel Sources and OTel Destinations, each of which can be independently configured to use the same or different OTLP versions, it’s important to know the effects of different choices and combinations.

  • Cribl Stream supports starting with OTLP 0.10.0 events and converting them to OTLP 1.3.1 events, but does not support the reverse (1.3.1 to 0.10.0).

  • When OTLP version is set to 1.3.1, Cribl Stream will attempt to convert metrics or logs formatted for any previous version to 1.3.1. Since beginning with version 1.0.0, OTLP has introduced no new breaking changes, you can use the Function configured for OTLP 1.3.1 as an “OTLP version 0.x to version 1” converter. Most downstream OTLP receivers comply with OTLP 1.0.0 at minimum; but you should verify this for whatever downstream receiver you use.

Basic Example

Filter: __inputId=='prometheus_rw:prom_rw_in'

This will grab all events from a Prometheus Remote Write Source and convert the metrics to OTLP format using only default settings in the Function.

Ensure that the internal attribute __criblMetrics does not contain null or blank values in any of the child object arrays.

See the sample incoming and outgoing events.

Advanced Example

Here, we have two incoming events sent by a OTel Source with Advanced Settings > Extract logs turned on.

The Function, with Batch OTLP logs turned on, batches the Cribl events such that the Cribl Stream OTel Destination can ingest the batch and convert to a batched OTLP metric event.

See the sample incoming and outgoing events.

Sample Events

Basic Example Incoming Event

Here is an example incoming event.

  "__criblEventType": "event",
  "__ctrlFields": [],
  "__final": false,
  "__cloneCount": 0,
  "_time": 1700236380.37,
  "_value": 123.456,
  "_metric": "cribl_logstream_health_outputs",
  "_metric_type": "gauge",
  "cribl_host": "P4MD6R-Pv8x",
  "cribl_wp": "w0",
  "event_host": "P4MD6R-Pv8x",
  "event_source": "cribl",
  "host": "P4MD6R-Pv8x",
  "output": "open_telemetry:otel_webhook_dest",
  "source": "cribl",
  "__criblMetrics": [
      "nameExpr": ["_metric"],
      "values": ["_value"],
      "types": ["gauge"],
      "dims": [
  "__offset": 8099,
  "__bytes": 228,
  "__srcIpPort": "",
  "__inputId": "prometheus_rw:prom_rw_in",
  "": "serviceName",
  "service.instanceId": "serviceInstanceId",
  "system": "system",
  "": "systemName",
  "": "opentelemetry",
  "telemetry.sdk.language": "java",
  "": "opentelemetry-cluster",
  "": 1111111,
  "cloud.platform": "aws"

Basic Example Outgoing Event

Here is the above sample event after conversion by the OTLP Metrics Function.

  "_time": 1700236380.37,
  "resource": {
    "attributes": [
        "key": "host",
        "value": {
          "string_value": "P4MD6R-Pv8x"
        "key": "",
        "value": {
          "string_value": "serviceName"
        "key": "service.instanceId",
        "value": {
          "string_value": "serviceInstanceId"
        "key": "system",
        "value": {
          "string_value": "system"
        "key": "",
        "value": {
          "string_value": "systemName"
        "key": "",
        "value": {
          "string_value": "opentelemetry"
        "key": "telemetry.sdk.language",
        "value": {
          "string_value": "java"
        "key": "",
        "value": {
          "string_value": "opentelemetry-cluster"
        "key": "",
        "value": {
          "int_value": 1111111
        "key": "cloud.platform",
        "value": {
          "string_value": "aws"
  "instrumentation_library_metrics": [
      "schema_url": "",
      "metrics": [
          "name": "cribl_logstream_health_outputs",
          "gauge": {
            "data_points": [
                "as_double": 123.456,
                "time_unix_nano": 1700236380370000000,
                "start_time_unix_nano": 1700236380370000000,
                "attributes": [
                    "key": "cribl_host",
                    "value": {
                      "string_value": "P4MD6R-Pv8x"
                    "key": "cribl_wp",
                    "value": {
                      "string_value": "w0"
                    "key": "event_host",
                    "value": {
                      "string_value": "P4MD6R-Pv8x"
                    "key": "event_source",
                    "value": {
                      "string_value": "cribl"
                    "key": "host",
                    "value": {
                      "string_value": "P4MD6R-Pv8x"
                    "key": "output",
                    "value": {
                      "string_value": "open_telemetry:otel_webhook_dest"
                    "key": "source",
                    "value": {
                      "string_value": "cribl"
          "__type": "gauge"

Advanced Example Incoming Events

In order to show batching in the outgoing events, let’s use two incoming events from an OTel Source where Advanced Settings > Extract metrics is turned on.

Incoming Sample Event 1 – Gauge Metric

    "_time": 1700236380.37,
                "key": "",
                    "string_value": "serviceName"
                "key": "service.instanceId",
                    "string_value": "serviceInstanceId"
                "key": "",
                    "string_value": "systemName"
                "key": "",
                    "string_value": "opentelemetry"
                "key": "telemetry.sdk.language",
                    "string_value": "java"
                "key": "",
                    "string_value": "opentelemetry-cluster"
            "schema_url": "",
                    "name": "cribl_logstream_health_outputs",
                                "as_double": 123.456,
                                "time_unix_nano": 1700236380370000000,
                                "start_time_unix_nano": 1700236380370000000,
                                        "key": "cribl_host",
                                            "string_value": "P4MD6R-Pv8x"
                                        "key": "cribl_wp",
                                            "string_value": "w0"
                                        "key": "event_host",
                                            "string_value": "P4MD6R-Pv8x"
                                        "key": "event_source",
                                            "string_value": "cribl"
                                        "key": "host",
                                            "string_value": "P4MD6R-Pv8x"
                                        "key": "output",
                                            "string_value": "open_telemetry:otel_webhook_dest"
                                        "key": "source",
                                            "string_value": "cribl"
                    "__type": "gauge",
                    "description": "This is a metric description"
                "name": "io.opentelemetry.sdk.trace",
                "version": "1.33.0-alpha"
    "__outLen": 1266,
    "__bufToken": "otlp-metrics-batcher1"

Incoming Sample Event 2 – Summary Metric

    "__criblEventType": "event",
    "__final": false,
    "__cloneCount": 0,
    "__bytes": 404,
    "__inputId": "prometheus_rw:prom_rw_in",
    "__offset": 5083,
    "__srcIpPort": "",
    "_metric": "request_duration_summary",
    "_metric_type": "summary",
    "_time": 1701793930,
    "description": "This is an event description",
    "_value": 0,
    "cribl_host": "P4MD6R-Pv8x",
    "cribl_wp": "w0",
        "_count": 0,
            "0.5": 0,
            "0.9": 0
        "_sum": 0
        "name": "io.opentelemetry.sdk.trace",
        "version": "1.33.0-alpha"
    "": "serviceName",
    "service.instanceId": "serviceInstanceId",
    "system": "system",
    "": "systemName",
    "": "opentelemetry",
    "telemetry.sdk.language": "java",
    "": "opentelemetry-cluster",
    "": 1111111,
    "cloud.platform": "aws"

Advanced Example Outgoing Batched Events

Here is the resulting converted OTLP metric events in a single batch.

    "_time": 1700236380.37,
                "key": "",
                    "string_value": "serviceName"
                "key": "service.instanceId",
                    "string_value": "serviceInstanceId"
                "key": "",
                    "string_value": "systemName"
                "key": "",
                    "string_value": "opentelemetry"
                "key": "telemetry.sdk.language",
                    "string_value": "java"
                "key": "",
                    "string_value": "opentelemetry-cluster"
            "schema_url": "",
                    "name": "cribl_logstream_health_outputs",
                                "as_double": 123.456,
                                "time_unix_nano": 1700236380370000000,
                                "start_time_unix_nano": 1700236380370000000,
                                        "key": "cribl_host",
                                            "string_value": "P4MD6R-Pv8x"
                                        "key": "cribl_wp",
                                            "string_value": "w0"
                                        "key": "event_host",
                                            "string_value": "P4MD6R-Pv8x"
                                        "key": "event_source",
                                            "string_value": "cribl"
                                        "key": "host",
                                            "string_value": "P4MD6R-Pv8x"
                                        "key": "output",
                                            "string_value": "open_telemetry:otel_webhook_dest"
                                        "key": "source",
                                            "string_value": "cribl"
                    "__type": "gauge",
                    "description": "This is a metric description"
                    "name": "request_duration_summary",
                                "as_int": 0,
                                "count": 0,
                                "sum": 0,
                                    "0.5": 0,
                                    "0.9": 0
                                "time_unix_nano": 1701793930000000000,
                                "start_time_unix_nano": 1701793930000000000,
                                        "key": "cribl_host",
                                            "string_value": "P4MD6R-Pv8x"
                                        "key": "cribl_wp",
                                            "string_value": "w0"
                    "__type": "summary",
                    "description": "This is an event description"
                "name": "io.opentelemetry.sdk.trace",
                "version": "1.33.0-alpha"
    "__outLen": 1266,
    "__bufToken": "otlp-metrics-batcher1"