
The Redis Function interacts with Redis stores, setting and getting key-hash and key-value combinations. Redis’ in-memory caching of these key pairs enables large lookup tables that would be cumbersome with a CSV or binary lookup file.

You can use Cribl Stream Collectors (for example, a REST Collector) to retrieve reference data from desired endpoints, and then use this Function to store the data on Redis and retrieve it to enrich your data. By default, Cribl Stream does not cache the data returned from this Redis Function, but you can enable client‑side caching.

Your Redis Function can interact with three kinds of Redis instances: Standalone (the default); Redis Cluster, which scales horizontally; or Redis Sentinel, a distributed system that provides high availability.

Managing Redis Connections

When using Redis Functions, you must consider how to avoid creating large numbers of TCP connections to the Redis server (which we’ll call “Redis connections”). To manage Redis connections, you start by calculating how many Redis connections your Redis Functions, other functions, and Pipelines will create using default settings. Then, to keep the overall number of connections reasonable, you configure Cribl Stream to reuse Redis connections.

What causes the number of Redis connections to grow large? By default, Cribl Stream creates a separate TCP connection to Redis for every Redis Function and every reference to a Redis Function. This means that certain usage patterns will increase the number of Redis Connections, including: sending the output of a Chain Function to a regular Pipeline that includes a Redis Function; using a Redis Function in a Source’s pre-processing Pipeline; and, using a Redis Function in a Destination’s post-processing Pipeline.

How can you control the number of Redis connections created? You use the Reuse Redis connections control. Then, when a new Redis connection is needed, and its connection properties are identical to those of an existing Redis connection, Cribl Stream will try to reuse the existing connection instead of creating a new one. The example below illustrates how powerfully this can affect the demands Cribl Stream places on a Redis server.

What are the connection properties that must be identical for reuse to be possible? For the different kinds of Redis instances, the relevant connection properties are, respectively:

  • Standalone: username, password, and URL.
  • Cluster: username, password, and all root node hosts and ports.
  • Redis Sentinel: username, password, master name, and all root node hosts and ports.

In managing Redis connections, the factors you must account for include: what kind of Redis instance you’re connecting to (Standalone, Cluster, or Redis Sentinel); the size of the Redis server; the number of connections the Redis server is configured to allow; the number of other clients using the same Redis server; and so on.

Where to configure Reuse Redis connections in the UI depends on how you have deployed Cribl Stream:

  • Distributed deployment: Navigate to Limits at the Worker Group level.
  • Single-instance deployment: Navigate to Limits at the global (General Settings) level.

Example: Managing Redis Connections

Referencing a Redis Function from a Pipeline and/or another Function can dramatically multiply the number of Redis connections created, unless we mitigate this effect by applying the Reuse Redis connections control. Let’s see how this plays out in a detailed example. Suppose we do the following:

  1. Create a Pipeline (we’ll call it “Pipeline Zero”) that contains 10 Redis Functions that connect to the same Redis server, with identical connection properties. Cribl Stream will create 10 TCP connections to the Redis server (“Redis connections”).
  2. Reference Pipeline Zero in a Chain Function that’s in another Pipeline. This creates 10 more connections, for a total of 20 Redis connections.
  3. Reference Pipeline Zero in an additional, separate Chain Function that’s in yet another Pipeline, creating 10 more connections, for a total of 30 Redis connections.
  4. Use Pipeline Zero as a pre-processing Pipeline for a Source, creating 10 more connections, for a total of 40 Redis connections.
  5. Use Pipeline Zero as a post-processing Pipeline for a Destination, creating 10 more connections. Now we have a grand total of 50 Redis connections.

Now consider the effect of these Pipelines within Worker Nodes and their Worker Processes. For a typical deployment scenario with 10 Worker Nodes, each of which have 10 Worker Processes, the calculation looks like this:

  • 50 connections times 10 Worker Processes = 500 connections, times 10 Worker Nodes = 5000 connections.

A single Redis server can be hard-pressed to handle so many connections. Apart from that, the number of connections is unnecessarily high for the expected throughput. Let’s use Reuse Redis connections to reduce the number of Redis connections.

Enable Reuse Redis connections and set Max connections to 4. Now revise the calculation:

  • 4 connections times 10 Worker Processes = 40 connections, times 10 Worker Nodes = 400 connections.

This reduces the number of connections by better than a factor of 10, making our deployment much less likely to overwhelm the Redis server.


Filter: Filter expression (JS) that selects data to feed through the Function. Defaults to true, meaning it evaluates all events.

Description: Simple description of this Function. Defaults to empty.

Final: If toggled to Yes, stops feeding data to the downstream Functions. Defaults to No.

Result field: Name of the field in which to store the returned value. (Leave empty to discard the returned value.)

Command: Redis command to perform. Required. (A complete list of Redis commands is at:

Key: A JavaScript expression to compute the value of the key to operate on. Can also be a constant such as username. This is a required field. Click the icon at right to open a validation modal.

Args: A JavaScript expression to compute arguments to the operation. Click the icon at right to open a validation modal. When the expression you enter is a plain value or an array, it resembles the options and arguments of a Redis command in the Redis CLI.

For example:

  • Suppose you want to SET a key named _mascot. And, of the options that the SET command takes, you want to use two: GET and EX. The first, GET, takes no arguments; the second, EX, takes an integer in seconds.

  • You want to set _mascot to the value goat, and EX to 5 seconds. Here is the array you’d enter in the Args column:
    ['goat', 'GET','EX',5 ]

Deployment Type

From the drop-down, select Standalone, Cluster, or Sentinel. Some of these options display additional controls below. Hostnames must be JavaScript expressions (which can evaluate to a constant value), enclosed in quotes or backticks. They can be evaluated only at init time.


This is the default deployment type. Enter a Redis URL to connect to. The format is:


Example with no user specified:

Standalone with TLS

To enable TLS, specify a Redis URL that starts with rediss:// rather than redis://. This URL reveals the TLS section of the config UI.


Example with no user specified:


Specify Root Nodes that the cluster will connect to. A single node is sufficient, but Cribl recommends listing two or more. Each of the Root Nodes consists of a Hostname and a Port.

In multi-key commands, ensure that all keys in the command are in the same hash slot. Otherwise, the command will fail. As a workaround, you can split the multi-key command into separate commands, where each command operates only on keys from a single hash slot.


Specify a Master Group Name, plus every Sentinel in your Redis deployment. Each Sentinel consists of a Hostname and a Port.

Authentication Method

Use the Authentication method buttons to select one of the following options, some of which display additional controls below.

  • None: Select this option where authentication either is not required, or is provided in the URL.

  • Basic: This displays Username and Password fields for you to enter your Redis credentials.

  • User Secret: This option exposes a drop-down in which you can select a stored text secret that references a Redis username and password, as described above. A Create link is available to store a new, reusable secret.

  • Admin Secret: This option exposes a drop-down in which you can select a stored text secret that references a Redis admin password. A Create link is available to store a new, reusable secret.


Validate server certs: Reject certificates that are not authorized by a CA in the CA certificate path, nor by another trusted CA (such as the system’s CA). Defaults to Yes.

Server name (SNI): Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. This must be a host name, not an IP address.

Certificate name: The name of the predefined certificate.

CA certificate path: Path on client containing CA certificates (in PEM format) to use to verify the server’s cert. Path can reference $ENV_VARS.

Private key path (mutual auth): Path on client containing the private key (in PEM format) to use. Path can reference $ENV_VARS. Use only if mutual auth is required.

Certificate path (mutual auth): Path on client containing certificates (in PEM format) to use. Path can reference $ENV_VARS. Use only if mutual auth is required.

Passphrase: Passphrase to use to decrypt private key.

Minimum TLS version: Optionally, select the minimum TLS version to use when connecting. The minimum TLS version for Redis is version 6.

Maximum TLS version: Optionally, select the maximum TLS version to use when connecting.

Minimum TLS Requirement

The minimum Redis version required for TLS support is version 6.

Advanced Settings

Max blocking time: Maximum amount of time (in seconds) before assuming that Redis is down and passing events through. Defaults to 60 seconds. Use 0 to disable timeouts.

Client‑side cache: Toggle to Yes to enable. Then navigate to Settings > General Settings > Limits > Redis Cache to configure the cache, as described in the next section.

Overall Redis Cache Settings

Together, these settings determine how the Cribl Stream client-side cache behaves. We’ll start with definitions:

Key TTL in seconds: The maximum time-to-live of a key in the cache, in seconds. 0 means no limit. Defaults to 10 minutes.

Max # of keys: The maximum number of keys the cache can contain. 0 (the default) means no limit.

Max cache size (bytes): The maximum number of bytes the cache can contain. 0 (the default) means no limit.

Service period (seconds): The interval at which the cache checks whether any keys need to be evicted. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Server assisted: This feature requires Redis version 6 or newer. Toggle to Yes to enable server-assisted caching and display the Client tracking mechanism drop-down. See the Tradeoffs section for an explanation of the available options.

Now here’s the context:

For each Redis instance your Redis Functions interact with, Cribl Stream will operate one client‑side cache. That cache will be shared between all the Redis Functions instances configured to interact with it. This is why the settings are in a central location, and why you cannot configure the cache at the individual function level.

Once per Service period, the cache checks whether any keys need to be evicted. The cache will evict:

  • The least‑recently‑accessed key, if the cache has reached either (1) its Max cache size (bytes) or (2) its Max # of keys.

  • Any key that exceeds its Key TTL in seconds.

  • Any key that is stale according to a notification to Cribl Stream from your Redis instance. Redis sends these notifications (a.k.a. invalidations, or invalidation messages) only when you have enabled Server assisted caching.

The overall benefit that client-side caching provides is having fewer stale keys in your cache for less time. The greater the proportion of GET-type, as compared to SET-type (write) commands your Cribl Stream‑Redis interactions have, the greater that benefit will be. When your Cribl Stream Pipelines either have no SET-type operations, or use filters to keep those operations to a minimum, you should consider client-side caching. In sum, you must decide whether more accurate data in your cache is worth the cost of memory and processing.

Tradeoffs Inherent in Server-Assisted Caching

Consider the common scenario where other applications besides Cribl Stream are writing to your Redis instance. Say one of those applications modifies a key’s value. Now the value that Cribl Stream client-side cache has for that key is stale. Cribl Stream does not “know” about this, and retains the stale value until its TTL is up. This degrades the overall accuracy of data from the client-side cache.

Server-assisted caching is a remedy for this problem. With server-assisted caching enabled, your Redis instance will notify your client-side cache when Redis determines that a key’s value has changed. Then the Cribl Stream client-side cache will immediately evict the stale key. Now the client-side cache is more accurate. Redis also has documentation about server-assisted client-side caching.

There are two mutually‑exclusive ways you can have Redis notify Cribl Stream. These are the two modes (delivery mechanisms) available in the Client tracking mechanism drop-down:

  1. In Default mode, the Redis server remembers which keys the Cribl Stream client has requested. Redis only notifies Cribl Stream when the value of one of those keys has changed. This is most efficient for Cribl Stream but needs more memory and some extra processing time from the Redis server.

  2. In Broadcast mode, the Redis server need not remember which keys came from where, because it simply notifies Cribl Stream when the value of any key has changed. This is most efficient for Redis, but now the the Cribl Stream client needs to inspect every key that Redis says has changed. This consumes some extra processing time on the client, and generates extra network activity to accommodate notifications about keys that Cribl Stream never sees.

You should select whichever of these mechanisms best suits your environment. Does it make more sense to impose the heavier burden on the Redis server (as in Default mode) or on Cribl Stream (as in Broadcast mode)?

In both scenarios, for a given key, any write operation from any application (including Cribl Stream) that’s interacting with Redis, causes Cribl to evict the key from the client-side cache when Redis notifies Cribl.


Scenario A: Set and Get

This Pipeline demonstrates the use of a pair of Redis Functions. The first Function sets two key-value pairs in Redis. The second Function gets their values, by key, into two corresponding new Result fields.

Redis set and get Functions
Redis set and get Functions

Redis Function #1

Description: Set keys to Redis

Command: set Key: 'myFieldA' Args: 420

Command: set Key: 'myFieldB' Args: 'sample value'

Redis Function #2

Description: Read keys from Redis

Result field: myField_AA Command: get Key: 'myFieldA'

Result field: myField_BB Command: get Key: 'myFieldB'

Scenario B: Multiple‑Argument Arrays

This example demonstrates how to configure a Redis Function that supplies an array of multiple arguments to Redis commands (in this example, lset and lrange).

Redis Function, arrays of multiple arguments, and sample output
Redis Function, arrays of multiple arguments, and sample output

Redis Function

Description: Push arrays of multiple arguments to Redis

Result field: rs1 Command: rpush Key: "mylist" Args: 'one'

Result field: rs2 Command: rpush Key: "mylist" Args: 'two'

Result field: rs3 Command: rpush Key: "mylist" Args: 'three

Result field: rs4 Command: lset Key: "mylist" Args: [0,'four']

Result field: rs5 Command: lset Key: "mylist" Args: [-2,'five']

Result field: rs6 Command: lrange Key: "mylist" Args: [0,-1]

Try This at Home

The Pipeline below contains only this example Function. You can import it into your own Cribl Stream environment, fill in the url with your own credentials, and further modify it to meet your needs.

  "id": "redis-multiple-args",
  "conf": {
    "output": "default",
    "groups": {},
    "asyncFuncTimeout": 1000,
    "functions": [
        "filter": "true",
        "conf": {
          "commands": [
              "outField": "rs1",
              "command": "rpush",
              "keyExpr": "\"mylist\"",
              "argsExpr": "'one'"
              "outField": "rs2",
              "command": "rpush",
              "keyExpr": "\"mylist\"",
              "argsExpr": "'two'"
              "outField": "rs3",
              "command": "rpush",
              "keyExpr": "\"mylist\"",
              "argsExpr": "'three'"
              "command": "lset",
              "keyExpr": "\"mylist\"",
              "argsExpr": "[0,'four']",
              "outField": "rs4"
              "outField": "rs5",
              "command": "lset",
              "keyExpr": "\"mylist\"",
              "argsExpr": "[-2,'five']"
              "outField": "rs6",
              "command": "lrange",
              "keyExpr": "\"mylist\"",
              "argsExpr": "[0,-1]"
          "maxBlockSecs": 60,
          "url": "redis://<your-credentials-here>"
        "id": "redis",
        "disabled": false,
        "description": "Push arrays of multiple arguments to Redis"