Stream/ Integrations/ Sources/ Collector Sources/ Using Collectors/Using REST/API Collectors

Using REST/API Collectors

The REST/API Endpoint Collector is powerful, but complex. This use case demonstrates several examples of building and running REST Collectors to pull data from public and simulated REST endpoints.

Check out the example REST Collector configurations in Cribl’s Collector Templates repository. For many popular Collectors, the repo provides configurations (with companion Event Breakers, and event samples in some cases) that you can import into your Cribl Stream instance, saving the time you’d have spent building them yourself.

To configure a Collector for Netskope Events and Alerts, see this Netskope Community topic.

1. Basic HTTP GET

This example performs an HTTP GET operation against an external Joke API. This API uses a license key header to authenticate the user.

Discover type: None

Collect URL: ''

Collect parameters: None

Collect headers:

accept: 'application/json'

x-rapidapi-key: 'e4068647ffmsh65536596798f49dp17e998jsn342bac862377'

x-rapidapi-host: ''

useQueryString: true

Pagination: None

Authentication: None

Event Breaker: JSON Newline Delimited – use Cribl Stream’s built-in Cribl > ndjson rule, and associate it with the Collector to parse the JSON document.

Collector configuration for basic HTTP GET
Collector configuration for basic HTTP GET


When run (in Preview mode), the Collector should return a single JSON record. If the Collector is set up with an NDJSON Event Breaker, it will look like this:

Returned event
Returned event

2. HTTP GET with Pagination via URL Attribute

The REST Collector’s Pagination feature allows collection to retrieve 1–N pages of data, using attributes returned in either the response body or response header. The returned attribute can either be a URL (referencing the next page), or a token that can be added to subsequent request headers or parameters.

In this example, a returned response-body attribute contains a URL that references the next page. Pagination will continue until either the Collector’s Page limit setting is reached, or no more pages are present (that is, the returned attribute is not present in the response body).

This example’s API retrieves near-Earth asteroid data from NASA. The example uses a JSON Array Event Breaker to extract individual records from an array attribute in the response.

Discover type: None

Collect URL: ''

Collect parameters: None – Parameters in this example are added to the header. Static parameters (that is, parameters that don’t reference variables) can safely be added to the URL. Any parameters that do reference variables should always be added in the Collect parameters section, to allow filtering of values that evaluate as undefined.

Collect headers: None

Pagination: Response Body Attribute

Response attributes: next

Authentication: None

Event Breaker: JSON Array

Event Breaker Configuration (Pagination via URL Attribute)
Event Breaker Configuration (Pagination via URL Attribute)
Collector configuration for HTTP GET, paginated via URL Attribute
Collector configuration for HTTP GET, paginated via URL Attribute

When run (in Preview mode), the Collector should return multiple records extracted from the Event Breaker. In this example, we limited output to 10 pages of data. This particular dataset has over 1,000 total pages, so it’s a good idea to limit output to avoid a job that runs too long.

Paginated events
Paginated events

This API allows a certain number of calls/month. Cribl recommends that you not schedule this Collector – run it ad-hoc, for testing only.

3. HTTP GET with Pagination via Response Body Attribute

This example uses Response Body Attribute pagination, which returns a token that is passed as a request parameter to retrieve subsequent pages of data. The only difference between this example and Example 2 is how the Response Body Attribute is used.

To authenticate against the GreyNoise endpoint used in this example, set up a trial account according to GreyNoise’s Setting Up a Trial Account documentation.

Discover type: None

Collect URL: ''

Collect method: GET

Collect parameters:

query: 'last_seen:1d'

scroll: `${scroll}`

Collect headers:

accept: 'application/json'

key: '<your-GreyNoise-API-key-here>'

Pagination: Response Body Attribute

Response attributes: scroll

Page limit: 10 (or 0 to pull all data)

Authentication: None

Event Breaker: JSON Array – use the configuration shown here:

Event Breaker Configuration (Pagination via Response Body Attribute)
Event Breaker Configuration (Pagination via Response Body Attribute)

In this example, the response body returns an attribute named scroll, which is a token that references the next page of data to fetch. We reference the attribute in Collect parameters using the JavaScript expression: `${scroll}`. If present, this will be passed to retrieve subsequent pages of data, until either the Collector’s Page limit setting is reached, or no more pages are present.

Collector configuration for HTTP GET, paginated via Response Body Attribute
Collector configuration for HTTP GET, paginated via Response Body Attribute

Collector Output

Paginated events
Paginated events

This API allows a certain number of calls/month. Cribl recommends that you not schedule this Collector – run it ad-hoc, for testing only.

For a more detailed use case around this particular API, see Cribl’s Enrichment at Scale! blog post.

4. Pagination via Nested Response Body Attributes

When using Response Body Attribute pagination with nested attributes for determining the next page, the extracted attributes from the response will have dots (.) included in their names within __collectible. This requires different syntax for accessing these attributes within the Collect URL, Collect parameters, Collect POST body, Collect headers, and Last-page expression fields.

For example, the following shows attributes two levels deep:

Attributes two levels deep
Attributes two levels deep

The attributes are added to __collectible with dots (.) in the name:

Attributes added to __collectible
Attributes added to __collectible

Special syntax is needed to reference the attributes because they have dots in the name, like this __e[''].

The same syntax referenced in example 3 above, __e['response.endOffset'], can be used in the Collect URL, Collect parameters, Collect POST body, Collect headers, and Last-page expression fields. Here are examples of each.

Collect URL: `` + (__e['meta.pagination.after'] ? `?$after=${__e['meta.pagination.after']}` : '')

Collect URL
Collect URL

Collect parameters:

  • Name: after

  • Value: (__e['meta.pagination.after'] ? `${__e['meta.pagination.after']}` : '')

Collect parameters
Collect parameters

Collect headers:

  • Name: after

  • Value: (__e['meta.pagination.after'] ? `${__e['meta.pagination.after']}` : '')

Collect headers
Collect headers

Collect POST body and Last-page expression:

  • Collect POST body: `{ "query": { "startOffset": ${+__e['response.endOffset'] || 0}, "endOffset": ${(+__e['response.endOffset'] || 0) + 100} } }`

  • Last page expression: (+__e["response.returnedRecords"]) === 0

Here the API passes the startOffset and endOffset parameters in the POST body to page through data until response.returnedRecords == 0. The Last page expression field is used to determine when all the available data has been consumed.

Collect POST body and Last-page expression
Collect POST body and Last-page expression

Here’s sample output from the API showing partial results returned for the first page of data:

  "response": {
    "totalRecords": "1275",
    "returnedRecords": "100",
    "startOffset": "0",
    "endOffset": "100",
    "data": [
        "one": 1
        "two": 2

Notice that the Collector Response attributes use dotted notation to access endOffset and returnedRecords as response.endOffset and response.returnedRecords respectively. This tells the Collector that the attributes of interest are named response.endOffset (dot in name) or nested JSON attributes: { response : { endOffset: 100 ... } }. However, the response is structured (dots in attribute name or nested) the Collector will add the attributes to the second page’s __collectible attribute using dots in the attribute name, for example:

__collectible second page of attributes
__collectible second page of attributes

Now that you have the attributes available in __collectible, you can use them in the Collect URL, Collect parameters, Collect POST body, Collect headers, and Last-page expression fields. The syntax is the same across all these fields. You’ll use a special variable, __e, which acts like a shorthand for __collectible (since you can’t use it directly here). Here’s how to access specific attributes:

  • response.endOffset: Use __e['response.endOffset']
  • response.returnedRecords: Use __e['response.returnedRecords']

5. HTTP GET with Pagination via Response Header URL

This example leverages pagination using a Response Header Attribute value. The value returned can be either a URL (of the next page) or a token value (a request attribute that is passed to retrieve the next page of data).

This example is based around a local Web server on port 3001. The server returns a response header when another page of data is available, and the header contains the URL of the next page. Here’s how the header looks in developer tools:

Next-page URL passed as Response Header Attribute
Next-page URL passed as Response Header Attribute

Collector Configuration

Discover type: None

Collect URL: 'http://localhost:3001/api/v1/pagination/nextLinkHeader?num=1&maxPages=16'

Collect parameters: None

Collect headers: None

Pagination: Response Header Attribute

Response attributes: nextLink

Authentication: None

Event Breaker: None

You can modify the maxPages URL parameter to control how many pages this call returns.

Collector configuration for HTTP GET, paginated via Response Header URL
Collector configuration for HTTP GET, paginated via Response Header URL

Collector Output

Paginated events
Paginated events

6. HTTP Discover and Collect with Login Authentication

In some cases, you must run an HTTP Request discovery to identify the items to collect. This example will do the following:

  1. Perform a Login (POST with body containing the login credentials), to obtain an auth token that will passed in the Authorization header in all subsequent REST calls.
  2. Run a REST call to discover items to be collected – in this case, log files.
  3. For each log file discovered, collect the contents of that file.
  4. We’ll also demonstrate URL-encoding of a path element. You’d need to manually encode part of the URL in cases where unsafe ASCII characters might be present in the path element (for example, space, $, /, or =).

Discover type: HTTP Request

Discover URL: 'http://localhost:9000/api/v1/system/logs'

Discover method: GET

Discover parameters: None

Discover headers: None

Discover data field: items

Collect URL: 'http://localhost:9000/api/v1/system/logs/' + C.Encode.uri(`${id}`)

Collect method: GET

Collect parameters: None

Collect headers: None

Pagination: None

Authentication: Login

Login URL: 'http://localhost:9000/api/v1/auth/login'

Login username: admin (or other user)

Login password: admin (or other user’s corresponding password)

[Authentication] POST Body: `{ "username": "${username}", "password": "${password}" }`

Token attribute: token

Authorize expression: `Bearer ${token}`

Event Breaker: JSON Array

  • Array Field:
Event Breaker Configuration (Discover and Collect with Login Authentication)
Event Breaker Configuration (Discover and Collect with Login Authentication)
Collector configuration for HTTP Discover and Collect with Login authentication
Collector configuration for HTTP Discover and Collect with Login authentication


The login call sends a POST to the login URL, passing the string derived from the POST Body JavaScript expression. Note that the variables ${username} and ${password} are available to this call, and are taken from the username and password text fields.

Upon successful login (200 response code), the login token will be extracted from the response body’s token attributes, as specified by the Token attribute field.

Finally, the value derived from the Authorize expression field will be added to the Authorization header for all subsequent calls (here, both Discover and Collect). Set this to ${token} to reference the token obtained from the login POST request.


The Discover call here is used to discover the list of log files that can be collected. The data returned by this call has this format:

  "count": 0,
  "items": [
  	"id": "logFileName",
  	"path": "pathToFile"

The Discover Data Field is used to define the array in Discover results that contains the list of items to discover. Here, each item is an object, with an attribute ID that is referenced in the Collect calls. So the Discover call generates a list of items for which Collect tasks will be created.


From the Discover task’s returned list of items, each item will cause one Collect task to be created and run. An object containing the Discover item (along with some internal variables) will be passed to the Collect task.

You can reference this object’s attributes as variables in the Collect task’s URL, request parameters, and request headers. When running a preview, you can see the object’s contents in the __collectible internal variable. (Enable Show Internal Fields, and expand __collectible to view the variables available).

For example, here’s one of the events returned by this example’s Collect operation. The __collectible attribute contains details identifying the page number and the URL used to obtain the data:

__collectible internal variable, expanded to show its contents
__collectible internal variable, expanded to show its contents

As you can see, __collectible contains a __pageNum variable, which shows which page of data the event was received in. Also, __collectible contains an id variable, available for use in the Collect operation. Here’s how this variable is referenced in the Collect operation’s URL:

'http://localhost:9000/api/v1/system/logs/' + C.Encode.uri(`${id}`)

Because the variable is used in the path, and it might contain unsafe ASCII characters (specifically, space), we need to URL-encode the variable. This is the only case where the REST Collector requires URI encoding – variables that are defined directly as part of the URL. (Request parameters, not contained directly in the URL, are automatically encoded.)

The data returned by the Collect call has the following format:

  "items": [
  	"file": "access.log",
  	"nextOffset": "",
  	"previousOffset": "0:2236637",
  	"events": [
      	"time": "2021-02-15T23:39:23.043Z",
      	"src": "",
      	"user": "admin",
      	"method": "GET",
      	"url": "/api/v1/jobs/1613432361.24",
      	"status": 200,
      	"message": "GET /api/v1/jobs/1613432361.24",
      	"response_time": 2
      	"time": "2021-02-15T23:39:22.366Z",
      	"src": "",
      	"user": "admin",
      	"method": "GET",
      	"url": "/api/v1/system/logs/worker%2F7%2Fcribl.log",
      	"status": 200,
      	"message": "GET /api/v1/system/logs/worker%2F7%2Fcribl.log",

The real data that we want to access is located at We can use a JSON Array event breaker to convert data from events.items into individual events that will be sent to Routes and processed by Cribl Stream. The output looks like this in Preview:

Collected data
Collected data

If this example fails with errors of the form statusCode: 429...Too many requests – see Common Errors and Warnings to resolve this by relaxing the login rate limit.

7. Item List Discovery

This example demonstrates situations where the Item List discovery mechanism is useful: enabling collection based on a predefined list of items. Here, we want to collect weather information for a static list of states – each returned from Discover results as a single collection task.

Let’s assume we are interested in weather for the following U.S. locations: Nashville, Dallas, and Denver. When the Discover operation runs, it will return a __collectible object for each location (each representing its own collection task): { id: ‘’}, {id: ‘TX’}, {id: ‘TN’}.

Discover type: Item List

Discover items: Nashville, Dallas, Denver

Collect URL: ''

Collect parameters:

type: 'link'

units: 'imperial'

q: `${id}`

Collect headers:

x-rapidapi-host: ''

x-rapidapi-key: '78934c846cmsh70cb53f75a8a54bp119d21jsn29df549b4fd6'

useQueryString: true

Pagination: None

Authentication: None

Event Breaker: JSON Newline Delimited – Use a rule like Cribl > ndjson to parse each event and extract fields.


job: weather-${}

city: ${}

Collector configuration for Discovery via Item List
Collector configuration for Discovery via Item List
Fields configuration
Fields configuration

Collector Output

One interesting thing about this example is the addition of Fields to each event, using content from the internal __collectible attribute. This __collectible attribute contains results from the Discover operation, and is available in each event collected.

This demonstrates how information from the Discover operation can be transferred to events generated during the Collect operation. Note the attributes __collectible, city, and job in the Collector output below:

Collected events
Collected events

This API allows a certain number of calls/month. Cribl recommends that you not schedule this Collector – run it ad-hoc, for testing only.

8. JSON Response Discovery

Like Item List discovery, Discover type: JSON Response allows you to discover a predefined, static list of items. JSON Response’s advantage is its ability to return an object containing more than one attribute that the Collect operation can use.

Sticking with our weather example above, imagine that we needed to use both longitude and latitude (instead of just city or state) when performing collection. This is the perfect use case for JSON Response discovery.

Discover type: JSON Response

Discover result: {"items": [{"city": "Nashville", "lat": 36.174465, "lon": 86.767960},{"city": "Dallas", "lat": 32.779167, "lon": -96.808891}, {"city": "Denver", "lat": 39.742043, "lon": -104.991531}] }

Discover data field: items

Collect URL: ''

Collect headers: None

Collect parameters:

lat: `${lat}`

lon: `${lon}`

appid: '438d61a1db9e713240b30140e9ddfea2'

Pagination: None

Authentication: None

Event Breaker: JSON Newline Delimited – Use a rule like Cribl > ndjson to parse each event and extract fields.


job: `weather-${}`

city: `${}`

Collector configuration for JSON Response Discovery
Collector configuration for JSON Response Discovery

Notice how attributes present in the Discover Result JSON object’s items array (`${lat}`, `${lon}`, `city`) are used in Collect Request Parameters, and in metadata Fields. Any other attribute present in the items array can similarly be referenced in the URL, request parameters, or request headers.

Collector Output

Item List preview
Item List preview

This API allows a certain number of calls/month. Cribl recommends that you not schedule this Collector – run it ad-hoc, for testing only.

9. HTTP Response Discover Result with Custom Code

Assume the Discover REST API returns a list of individual record IDs matching search criteria, such as:

    { "ids": [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,...,49,50] }

The collect API can accept a list of 1 to 10 individual IDs to collect data:,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

By default, using the ids attribute from the Discover call results in 50 individual collect tasks, each retrieving data for a single ID. However, the API supports 1 to 10 IDs at a time. Using the Format discover results option, you can manipulate results to use 10 collect tasks, each retrieving data for 10 IDs. Here’s how:

const pageSize = 10;
let arr = [];
__e['resultOut'] = []; // Store results in the original Discover results object.
__e['ids'].forEach(id => {
  if (arr.length === pageSize) {
    __e['resultOut'].push({ "ids": arr.join(',') });
    arr = [];
if (arr.length) __e['resultOut'].push({ "ids": arr.join(',') }); // Add last batch

Given 50 unique IDs, the output stores results in resultOut:

  "ids": [1, 2, 3, ..., 49, 50],
  "resultOut": [
    { "ids": "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10" },
    { "ids": "11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20" },
    { "ids": "21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30" },
    { "ids": "31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40" },
    { "ids": "41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50" }

Set the Discover data field on the REST Collector to resultOut to use the array of 5 items during the collect phase, resulting in 5 collect tasks. The collect URL or request parameters can include the ids attribute from each array element:${ids}

10. State Tracking by Latest Time

REST Collector state tracking can help prevent both duplicate data and gaps in data for subsequent collection runs. To demonstrate how to configure a Collector to use state tracking, we’ll access Stream’s /system/metrics endpoint. This guide uses an out-of-the-box Stream configuration – you may need to update endpoints and authentication parameters to match your instance’s configuration.

Configure the Event Breaker

For this example we’ll use an Event Breaker from Cribl’s Collector Templates repository. For more information on Event Breakers, check out the documentation.

  1. On the Worker Groups submenu, select Processing, then Knowledge, then Event Breaker Rules.
  2. Select Add Ruleset.
  3. Select Manage as JSON to open a text editor view.
  4. Paste in the breaker config found here.
  5. Select OK.
  6. Select Save.

Configure the Collector

Set the following fields in the Collector Settings section

  • Collector ID: state-tracking-test
  • Collect URL: 'http://localhost:9000/api/v1/system/metrics'
  • Collect parameters:
    • Name: earliest | Value: `${state.latestTime * 1000}`
  • Authentication: Login
  • Login URL: 'http://localhost:9000/api/v1/auth/login' (note that this is updated from the default https value)
  • Login username: admin
  • Login password: admin
  • Token attribute: token

Select Result Settings, then Event Breakers. Then select Add ruleset and choose the criblApi ruleset from the earlier step.

At this point, your configuration should look like this:

Collector Config - Collector Settings
Collector Config - Collector Settings
Collector Config - Event Breakers
Collector Config - Event Breakers

Finally, select Save.

Run the Collector

  1. From the Actions column, select Run for your newly configured Collector.
  2. Select Full Run to select the right collection mode. Preview and Discovery runs do not support state tracking.
  3. Expand the State Tracking section, then set Enabled on. We can use the default values for State update expression and State merge expression. For more information, see Understanding State Expression Fields.
  4. Select Run to start the collection.

Check the Results

Since this is the first run of the Collector, there was no state value to derive earliest from. As a result, many events were likely returned. You can check how many by selecting the link to Latest Ad Hoc Run from the Collector list view. From here, check the Events collected result.

First Run Results
First Run Results

Now, here’s where we can see the value of state tracking. Complete the steps in the Running the Collector section again. If you check the Latest Ad Hoc Run results again, you’ll see that fewer events were collected. This is because the earliest parameter resolved to the latest time from the first run, meaning that we only picked up new metrics that were generated since the last run!

Second Run Results
Second Run Results