Stream/ Reference·CLI Reference

CLI Reference

Command line interface basics

In addition to starting and stopping the Cribl Stream server, the Cribl Stream command line interface enables you to initiate many configuration and administrative tasks directly from your terminal.

Command Syntax

To execute CLI commands, the basic syntax is:

cd $CRIBL_HOME/bin
./cribl <command> <sub-command> <options> <arguments>

Not all commands have sub-commands.

To see help for any command, append the --help option, for example:

./cribl vars --help

./cribl vars get --help

./cribl vars get -i myArray --help

The scope command is an exception: it has no --help option, but it has its own CLI Reference in the AppScope documentation.

Avoiding Surprises

Immediate Execution

As indicated in the sample output below, some commands take effect immediately.

Commands that require further input will echo the sub-commands, options, and arguments they expect.

Persistent Volumes

If you start Cribl Stream with the CRIBL_VOLUME_DIR variable, all subsequent CLI commands should have this variable defined. Otherwise, those commands will apply the Cribl Stream default directories, yielding misleading results.

You can set CRIBL_VOLUME_DIR as an environment variable, or you can explicitly include it in each command, as in this example:

CRIBL_VOLUME_DIR=<writable-path-name> /opt/cribl/bin/cribl status

When set, $CRIBL_VOLUME_DIR overrides $CRIBL_HOME.

Avoid setting $CRIBL_VOLUME_DIR to an existing folder because it creates predefined folders in the specified directory. If that directory already contains folders with those names, they will be overwritten.

Failover Mode

In failover mode, set the CRIBL_CONF_DIR variable to your failover directory, ensuring your CLI commands access the correct configuration directory. For example, CRIBL_CONF_DIR=/<path_to_failover_volume> cribl diag create.

Your failover directory is either defined by the environment variable CRIBL_DIST_LEADER_FAILOVER_VOLUME (alternatively CRIBL_DIST_MASTER_FAILOVER_VOLUME), or defined in the instance.yml configuration file.

Commands Available

To see a list of available commands, enter ./cribl alone (or the equivalent ./cribl help). To execute a command, or to see its required parameters, enter ./cribl <command>.


Displays a list of commands with a description (help) for each. Defaults to a selection of generally useful commands.


./cribl help [-a]


-a              - Display the list of all commands, except for `scope`.

Sample Response

Software version: 4.4.2
Usage: [sub-command] [options] [args]

help              - Display help
mode-edge         - Configure instance in Edge mode
mode-managed-edge - Configure instance in Managed-Edge mode
mode-master       - Configure instance in Leader mode
mode-single       - Configure instance in Single-Instance mode
mode-worker       - Configure instance in Worker mode
reload            - Reload instance
restart           - Restart instance
start             - Start instance
status            - Display status
stop              - Stop instance
version           - Print version

auth              - Authentication
boot-start        - Enable/Disable boot-start
diag              - Manage diagnostics bundles
encrypt           - Encrypt with cribl secret
git               - Manage Worker Groups config
keys              - Manage encryption keys
nc                - Listen on a port for traffic and output stats and data
node              - Execute a JavaScript file
pack              - Manage Cribl Packs
parquet           - Manage Parquet files and schemas
pipe              - Feed stdin to a pipeline
vars              - Manage global variables

Starting in version 3.0, former “master” application components have been renamed “Leader.” As long as some legacy terminology remains within CLI commands/​options, configuration keys/values, and environment variables, this document will reflect the options available.


Controls the availablity of Cribl features.


./cribl limits <options> <args>


[-s <scripts>] - Enable custom scripts API


Configures instance as a Leader.


./cribl mode-master <options> <args>


[-d <deploymentId>]     - Deployment ID for reporting telemetry on multiple deployments
[-H <host>]             - Hostname/IP (defaults to
[-p <port>]             - Port (defaults to 4200).
[-f <uiAccess>]         - Controls whether the distributed port (`4200` by default) responds 
to requests on behalf of the API process. When disabled,`4200` only responds to Worker/Edge Node 
queries for config bundles and distributed upgrades. Accepts: ["true", "false"].  
Defaults to `true` for backward compatibility.
[-n <certName>]         - Name of the saved certificate to use. Mutually exclusive with -k or -c.
[-k <privKeyPath>]      - Path on server to the private key to use. PEM format. 
Can reference $ENV_VARS.
[-c <certPath>]         - Path on server to the certificate to use. PEM format. 
Can reference $ENV_VARS.
[-u <authToken>]        - Authentication token to include as part of the connection header.
[-S <tls>]              - Sets, or disables, secure communication between Leader and Worker/Edge Nodes via TLS. 
Accepts: ["true", "false"].
[-i <ipWhitelistRegex>] - Regex matching IP addresses that are allowed to establish a connection.
[-r <resiliency>]       - Resiliency mode for the Leader. Accepts: ["none", "failover"].
[-v <failoverVolume>]   - For resiliency=failover, the volume to use as shared storage.


Configures instance as a Single-instance deployment.


./cribl mode-single [--help]


[-d <deploymentId>] - Deployment ID for reporting telemetry on multiple deployments


Configures Cribl Edge as a Single-instance deployment.


./cribl mode-edge [--help]


[-d <deploymentId>] - Deployment ID for reporting telemetry on multiple deployments
[-H <host>]         - Hostname/IP (defaults to
[-p <port>]         - Port (defaults to 9420).
[-s <socket>]       - Location of the AppScope socket.


Configures Cribl Stream as a Worker instance.

Running this command resets all the related options. This means that even if you want to change only one option, you also need to provide values for all the other arguments.


./cribl mode-worker -H <host> -p <port> <options> <args>

The -H <host> -p <port> parameters are required.


[-d <deploymentId>] - Deployment ID for reporting telemetry on multiple deployments
 -H <host>          - Leader's hostname or IP address.
 -p <port>          - Leader's cluster communications port (e.g.: 4200).
[-n <certName>]     - Name of the saved certificate to use. Mutually exclusive with -k or -c.
[-k <privKeyPath>]  - Path on server to the private key to use. PEM format. Can reference $ENV_VARS.
[-c <certPath>]     - Path on server to the certificate to use. PEM format. Can reference $ENV_VARS.
[-u <authToken>]    - Authentication token to include as part of the connection header.
[-S <tls>]          - Sets, or disables, secure communication between Leader and Worker/Edge Nodes via TLS. Accepts: ["true", "false"].
[-e <envRegex>]     - Regex to select environment variables to report to Leader. E.g.: "/test/".
[-t <tags>]         - Tag values to report to Leader.
[-g <group>]        - Worker Group to report to Leader.

When you generate bootstrap scripts via the UI to add or update Workers, these scripts automatically set the -S option according to the Leader TLS configuration.


Configures Cribl Edge as an Edge Node.

Running this command resets all the related options. This means that even if you want to change only one option, you also need to provide values for all the other arguments.


./cribl mode-managed-edge -H <host> -p <port> <options> <args> && ./cribl restart

The -H <host> -p <port> parameters are required.


[-d <deploymentId>] - Deployment ID for reporting telemetry on multiple deployments
 -H <host>          - Leader's hostname or IP address.
 -p <port>          - Leader's cluster communications port (e.g.: 4200).
[-n <certName>]     - Name of the saved certificate to use. Mutually exclusive with -k or -c.
[-k <privKeyPath>]  - Path on server to the private key to use. PEM format. Can reference $ENV_VARS.
[-c <certPath>]     - Path on server to the certificate to use. PEM format. Can reference $ENV_VARS.
[-u <authToken>]    - Authentication token to include as part of the connection header.
[-S <tls>]          - Sets, or disables, secure communication between Leader and Worker/Edge Nodes via TLS. Accepts: ["true", "false"].
[-e <envRegex>]     - Regex to select environment variables to report to Leader. E.g.: "/test/".
[-t <tags>]         - Tag values to report to Leader.
[-g <group>]        - Fleet to report to Leader.

When you generate bootstrap scripts via the UI to add or update Workers, these scripts automatically set the -S option according to the Leader TLS configuration.


Manages Cribl Packs.


./cribl pack <sub-command> <options> <args>

Sub-commands and Options

export            - Export Cribl Packs, args:
   -m <mode>      - Mode to export. Accepts: merge_safe, merge, default_only.
  [-o <filename>] - Where to export the Pack on disk.
  [-n <name>]     - Name to override the installed Pack's name on export.
  [-g <group>]    - The Worker Group/Fleet to execute within.
install           - Install a Cribl Pack, args:
  [-d]            - Run install in debug.
  [-f]            - Force install.
  [-c]            - Disallow installation of Packs with custom functions.
  [-n <name>]     - Name of the Pack to install, defaults to source.
  [-g <group>]    - The Worker Group/Fleet to execute within
list              - List Cribl Packs, args:
  [-v]            - Display all Pack info
  [-g <group>]    - The Worker Group/Fleet to execute within
uninstall         - Uninstall a Cribl Pack, args:
  [-d]            - Run uninstall in debug
  [-g <group>]    - The Worker Group/Fleet to execute within
upgrade           - Upgrade a Cribl Pack, args:
  [-d]            - Run upgrade in debug
  [-s <source>]   - Provide the Pack source
  [-m <minor>]    - Only upgrade to minor version
  [-g <group>]    - The Worker Group/Fleet to execute within

Sample Response

id          version  spec  displayName    author       description                          source
HelloPacks  1.0.0    ----  Hello, Packs!  Cribl, Inc.  A sample pack with a simple example  file:/opt/cribl/default/HelloPacks


For any Parquet file: view (cat) the file, its metadata (details), or its schema. This command is available only on Linux.


./cribl parquet <sub-command> -f <file>

Sub-commands and Options

cat             - Cat parquet events to console, args:
   -f <file>    - Path to parquet file
  [-m <max>]    - Maximum events to print
details         - Print all parquet details (schema and statistics), args:
   -f <file>    - Path to parquet file
schema          - Print parquet schema, args:
   -f <file>    - Path to parquet file


View a Parquet file:

./cribl parquet cat -f /some_parquet_file

{"__bytes":274,"Unnamed: 0":0,"name":"apples","quantity":10,"price":2.6,"date":"2018-04-02 20:29:00","day":"2017-11-26","finger":"b'FNORD'","inter":"b'*\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x17\\x00\\x00\\x00\\t\\x03\\x00\\x00'","stock":"[{'quantity': array([10]), 'warehouse': 'A'}\n {'quantity': array([20]), 'warehouse': 'B'}]","colour":"['green' 'red']","meta_json":null}

View a Parquet file’s metadata, including encoding and compression:

./cribl parquet details -f /some_parquet_file

  "schema": {
    "Unnamed: 0": {
      "optional": true,
      "type": "INT64"
  "path": "../../../src/sluice/js/util/__tests__/data/parquet/single/small_fruits.parquet",
  "num_rows": 40000,
  "num_cols": 11,
  "num_real_cols": 11,
  "num_row_groups": 1,
  "created_by": "parquet-cpp-arrow version 11.0.0",
  "schema_root_name": "schema",
  "metadata": {
    "pandas": "{\"index_columns\": [{\"kind\": \"range\", \"name\": null, \"start\": 0, \"stop\": 40000, \"step\": 1}],
  "version": "PARQUET_2_6",
  "metadataSize": 6072,

View a Parquet file’s schema (not including encoding or compression), expressed as JSON like in the Parquet Schema editor:

./cribl parquet schema -f /some_parquet_file

  "Unnamed: 0": {
    "optional": true,
    "type": "INT64"
  "name": {
    "optional": true,
    "type": "STRING"
  "quantity": {
    "optional": true,
    "type": "DOUBLE"
  "price": {
    "optional": true,
    "type": "DOUBLE"


Reloads Cribl Stream. Executes immediately.


./cribl reload [--help]

Sample Response

Reload request submitted to Cribl


Restarts Cribl Stream. Executes immediately.

Executing this command cancels any running collection jobs.


./cribl restart [--help]

Sample Response

Stopping Cribl, process 17
Cribl is not running
Cribl started


Starts Cribl Stream. Executes immediately. Upon first run, echoes the Cribl Stream default login credentials.


./cribl start <options> <args>


[-d <dir>]  - Configuration directory
[-r <role>] - Process role

Sample Response

Cribl started


Displays status of Cribl Stream, including the API Server address, instance’s mode (Leader or Worker), process ID, and GUID (fictitious example below). Executes immediately.


./cribl status [--help]

Sample Response

Mode: master
Status: Up
Software Version: 3.1.0-f765e418
Config Version: 347079c
PID: 4100
GUID: e706052a-ace9-4511-a7c7-b58a414a07d3


Stops Cribl Stream. Executes immediately.

Executing this command cancels any running collection jobs.


./cribl stop [--help]

Sample Response

Stopping Cribl, process 3951
Cribl is not running


Displays Cribl Stream version. Executes immediately.


./cribl version [--help]

Sample Response

Software Version: 4.7.3-6f48361f


Log into or out of Cribl Stream.


./cribl auth <sub-command> <options> <args>

Sub-commands and Options

login  - Login, args:
  [-H <host>]     - Host URL (e.g. http://localhost:9000)
  [-u <username>] - Username
  [-p <password>] - Password
  [-f <file>]     - File with credentials
logout - Logout

mf     - Control multi-factor authentication (PIV), args:
  [-e <enable>]                   - Disable or enable multi-factor authentication using PIV. Accepts: ["true", "false"]
  [-u <usernameRegex>]            - Username regex pattern ( defaults to '/CN=(?:\w+\.)+(\d+)/' )
  [-f <usernameField>]            - Field from which username is to be extracted ( defaults to 'subject' ) - Accepts: [subject,san]
  [-o <accessControlAllowOrigin>] - Access control allow origin header (e.g. "" or "https://fqdn")
  [-a <apiServerUrl>]             - API server internal FQDN or IP:PORT combo. Make sure this is also part of server TLS certificate SAN->IP or SAN->DNS (e.g. "https://[IP]:[PORT]" or "https://internal-fqdn")

Arguments of the login subcommand correspond to the following environment variables:


Login Examples

Launch interactive login:

$CRIBL_HOME/bin/cribl auth login

Append credentials as command arguments:

$CRIBL_HOME/bin/cribl auth login -h <url> -u <username> -p <password>

All -h and host arguments are optional, provided that the cribl.yml file’s api: section lists the API host and port.

Provide credentials in environment variables:

CRIBL_HOST=<url> CRIBL_USERNAME=<username> CRIBL_PASSWORD=<password> $CRIBL_HOME/bin/cribl auth login

Provide credentials in a file:

$CRIBL_HOME/bin/cribl auth login -f <path/to/file>

Corresponding file contents:


Multi-factor Authentication (PIV) Examples

Check the status of multi-factor authentication using Personal Identity Verification (PIV):

$CRIBL_HOME/bin/cribl auth mf

The response includes the status (disabled or enabled) and the current configuration, along with notifications for unconfigured values and issues like failure to restart or enable TLS. For example:

PIV multi-factor authentication is disabled.
Username field not defined. Please make sure to configure it.
Username regex pattern: /(?:UPN:)([^,]+)(?:,|$)/
Access control allow origin header:
Api server url:
You will need to restart instance before your changes take full effect.
Warning: TLS is not enabled. PIV will not function until TLS is successfully configured and enabled.

Enable multi-factor authentication login using PIV:

$CRIBL_HOME/bin/cribl auth mf -e true

The response confirms that PIV authentication is enabled and lists the current configuration. For example:

PIV multi-factor authentication is enabled.
Username field: san
Username regex pattern: /(?:UPN:)([^,]+)(?:,|$)/
Access control allow origin header:
Api server url:

Disable multi-factor authentication login using PIV:

$CRIBL_HOME/bin/cribl auth mf -e false

The response confirms that PIV authentication is disabled and lists the current configuration. For example:

PIV multi-factor authentication is disabled.
Username field: san
Username regex pattern: /(?:UPN:)([^,]+)(?:,|$)/
Access control allow origin header:
Api server url:

For a detailed example that uses the mf sub-command to configure and enable PIV authentication, see Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Authentication.


Enables or disables Cribl Stream boot-start.


./cribl boot-start <sub-command> <options> <args>

Sub-commands and Options

disable             - Disable boot-start, args:
  [-m <manager>]    - Init manager (systemd|initd)
  [-c <configDir>]  - Config directory for the init manager
enable              - Enable boot-start, args:
  [-m <manager>]    - Init manager (systemd|initd)
  [-u <user>]       - User to run the instance as
  [-c <configDir>]  - Config directory for the init manager

Sample Response

Enabling Cribl to be managed by initd...
boot-start enable command needs root privileges...
Enabled Cribl to be managed by initd as user=root.


Updates an on-prem Cribl Stream Leader with a new config in the instance.yml file called cloudWorkspace. With this config, the local Cribl Stream Leader will connect to the Cribl.Cloud Leader and send it usage metrics.


./cribl cloud-workspace -H <host> -p <port> # etc: flags


[-d <deploymentId>]     - Deployment ID used to report telemetry on multiple deployments.
[-H <host>]             - Hostname/IP (defaults to
[-p <port>]             - Port (defaults to 4200).
[-n <certName>]         - Name of the saved certificate to use. Mutually exclusive with -k or -c.
[-k <privKeyPath>]      - Path on server to the private key to use. PEM format. Can reference $ENV_VARS.
[-c <certPath>]         - Path on server to the certificate to use. PEM format. Can reference $ENV_VARS.
[-u <authToken>]        - Authentication token to include as part of the connection header.
[-S <tls>]              - Sets, or disables, secure communication between Leader and Worker/Edge Nodes via TLS. Accepts: ["true", "false"].
[-i <ipWhitelistRegex>] - Regex matching IP addresses that are allowed to establish a connection.
[-r <resiliency>]       - Resiliency mode on the Leader. Accepts: ["none", "failover"].
[-v <failoverVolume>]   - For resiliency=failover, the volume to use as shared storage.


Decrypts data with a secret key. See the related encrypt command.


decrypt -v <encrypted value> -s <path to secret key>

Sub-commands and Options

 -v <value>            - Value to decrypt.
[-s <criblSecretPath>] - cribl.secret decrypt key path. If you do not specify a cribl.secret file with -s options, the default cribl.secret is used.


Manages diagnostic bundles. For failover mode, see how to avoid surprises.


./cribl diag <sub-command> <options> <args>

Sub-commands and Options

create                  - Creates diagnostic bundle for this instance, args:
  [-d]                  - Run create in debug mode
  [-j]                  - Do not append '.txt' to js files
  [-t <maxIncludeJobs>] - Latest number of jobs to include in bundle
  [-M]                  - Exclude metrics from bundle
  [-g]                  - Exclude git from bundle
  [-i]                  - Include install logs
cpuprofile              - Collect a 30-second CPU profile and place in the diag/ directory
   -p <pid>             - The pid of the process to dump the heap snapshot
heapsnapshot            - Generate heap snapshot of a Cribl process and place in the diag/ directory, args:
   -p <pid>             - The pid of the process to dump the heap snapshot
list                    - List existing diagnostic bundles
perf                    - Collect a 30-second CPU profile and a heapsnapshot and place both in the diag/ directory
   -p <pid>             - The pid of the process to dump the heap snapshot
send                    - Send diagnostics bundle to Cribl Support, args:
   -c <caseNumber>      - Cribl Support Case Number
  [-p <path>]           - Diagnostic bundle path (if empty then new bundle will be created)
diag create
Created a Cribl diagnostic bundle at /opt/cribl/diag/<product>-zedborcdb72f-20210820T204405.tar.gz
diag heapsnapshot -p 12345

The response format is Heap-<epoch-timestamp>-<pid>.heapsnapshot:



Encrypts data with a secret key. See the related decrypt command.


encrypt -v my_token -s <path to secret key>

Sub-commands and Options

 -v <value>            - Value to encrypt.
[-s <criblSecretPath>] - cribl.secret encrypt key path. If you do not specify a cribl.secret file with -s options, the default cribl.secret is used.

Sample Response



Manages Worker Group/Fleets’/Fleets’ configuration.


./cribl git <sub-command> <options> <args>

Sub-commands and Options

commit           - Commit, args:
  [-g <group>]   - Group ID.
  [-m <message>] - Commit message.
commit-deploy    - Commit and Deploy, args:
   -g <group>    - Group ID.
  [-m <message>] - Commit message.
deploy           - Deploy, args:
   -g <group>    - Group ID.
  [-v <version>] - Deploy version.
list-groups      - List Worker Groups/Fleets.

Sample Response

Successfully committed version 7c04de1


Deprecated. See git.


Manages encryption keys. You must append the -g <group> argument to specify a Worker Group/Fleet. As a fallback, append the argument -g default, for example: ./cribl keys list -g default


./cribl keys <sub-command> <options> <args> -g <group>

Sub-commands and Options

add                - Add encryption keys, args:
  [-a <algorithm>] - Encryption algorithm. Supported values: aes-256-cbc (default), aes-256-gcm.
  [-c <keyclass>]  - Key class to set for the key.
  [-k <kms>]       - KMS to use. Must be configured; see cribl.yml.
  [-e <expires>]   - Expiration time, in epoch time.
  [-i]             - Use an initialization vector. (IV size configurable for algorithm aes-256-gcm & fixed to 16 for algorithm aes-256-cbc)
  [-s <ivSize>]    - (For algo 'aes-256-gcm' only) Initialization vector size (bytes). Supported values: 12 (default), 13, 14, 15, 16
  [-g <group>]     - Worker Group ID.
list               - List encryption keys, args:
  [-g <group>]     - Worker Group ID.

Sample Response

Adding key succeeded. Key count=1


Listens on a port for traffic, and outputs stats and data. (Netcat-like utility.)


./cribl nc -p <port> <options> <args>


 -p <port>           - Port to listen on.
[-f <family>]        - If this is "6" then nc will listen on ::1, otherwise it listens on
[-s <statsInterval>] - Stats output interval (ms), use 0 to disable.
[-u]                 - Listen on UDP port instead.
[-o]                 - Output received data to stdout.
[-t <throttle>]      - throttle rate in (unit)/sec, where units can be KB,MB,GB, and TB.

Sample Response

2021-08-20T22:44:30.457Z - starting server on
2021-08-20T22:44:30.462Z - server listening
2021-08-20T22:44:31.461Z - messages: 0, socks: 0, thruput: 0MBps
2021-08-20T22:44:32.466Z - messages: 0, socks: 0, thruput: 0MBps
2021-08-20T22:44:39.212Z - got connection:
2021-08-20T22:44:39.213Z - got connection:


Run with no options, displays a command prompt, as shown here:


To execute a JavaScript file, you can enter path/file name at the prompt.

With the -v option, prints the version of NodeJS that is running.

With -e, evaluates a string. Write to console to see the output, for example:

./cribl node -e 'console.log('


./cribl node <options> <args>


[-e <eval>] - String to eval
[-v]        - Prints NodeJS version

Sample Response



Feeds stdin to a Pipeline.


./cribl pipe -p <pipelineName> <options> <args>


cat sample.log |  ./cribl pipe -p <pipelineName>
cat sample.log |  ./cribl pipe -p <pipelineName> 2>/dev/null


 -p <pipeline>    - Pipeline to feed data thru
[-d]              - Include dropped events
[-c <cpuProfile>] - Perform CPU profiling
[-t]              - Perform pipeline tracing
[-a <pack>]       - Optional Cribl Pack context. Mutually exclusive with -b.
[-b <project>]    - Optional Cribl Project context
[-i]              - Runs the pipe command without sandboxing javascript expressions from potential attackers

Sample Response

{"time":"2021-08-20T20:37:00.017Z","cid":"api","channel":"commands","level":"info","message":"creating new pipeline","id":"main","conf":{"asyncFuncTimeout":1000,"functions":[{"id":"eval","disabled":false,"filter":"true","conf":{"add":[{"name":"cribl","value":"'yes'"}],"remove":[]}}]}}
{"time":"2021-08-20T20:37:00.019Z","cid":"api","channel":"pipe:main","level":"info","message":"start loading and initializing functions","count":1}
{"time":"2021-08-20T20:37:00.021Z","cid":"api","channel":"pipe:main","level":"info","message":"finished loading and initializing functions","count":1}
{"time":"2021-08-20T20:37:00.022Z","cid":"api","channel":"commands","level":"info","message":"START pushing stdin events","id":"main"}
{"time":"2021-08-20T20:37:00.028Z","cid":"api","channel":"GrokMgr","level":"info","message":"loaded grok patterns","count":152}


Greps your apps by the syscalls. Executes immediately.

See the AppScope CLI Reference for usage and examples.


Manages Cribl Stream Global Variables.


./cribl vars <sub-command> <options> <args>

Sub-commands and Options

add                  - Add global variable, args:
   -i <id>           - Global variable ID
   -t <type>         - Type
   -v <value>        - Value
  [-a <args>]        - Arguments
  [-d <description>] - Description
  [-c <tags>]        - Custom Tags (comma separated list)
  [-g <group>]       - Group ID
get                  - List global variables, args:
  [-i <id>]          - Global variable ID
  [-g <group>]       - Group ID
remove               - Remove global variable, args:
   -i <id>           - Global variable ID
  [-g <group>]       - Group ID
update               - Update global variable, args:
   -i <id>           - Global variable ID
  [-t <type>]        - Type
  [-v <value>]       - Value
  [-a <args>]        - Arguments
  [-d <description>] - Description
  [-c <tags>]        - Custom Tags (comma separated list)
  [-g <group>]       - Group ID

Sample Response

    "type": "number",
    "lib": "cribl",
    "description": "Sample number variable ",
    "value": "42",
    "tags": "cribl,sample",
    "id": "theAnswer"